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edugain-discuss - [eduGAIN-discuss] eduGAIN Connectivity Check Service for individual SPs

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[eduGAIN-discuss] eduGAIN Connectivity Check Service for individual SPs

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Jozef Misutka <misutka AT>
  • To: edugain-discuss AT
  • Subject: [eduGAIN-discuss] eduGAIN Connectivity Check Service for individual SPs
  • Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2017 11:42:20 +0100

Dear all,

we just resolved an issue with metadata and key rollover process in several federations.

The eduGAIN connectivity check would have identified the problem automatically. Therefore,
I wanted to ask if you plan to make the service available for particular SPs meaning
I would enter a) url with entityID parameter and b) url listing supported IdPs (e.g., local discojuice feeds). The service would forge the SP urls used to
perform the login and check for errors at the login page.

For this purpose, we could use our old tool ( but we think it might be of interest to other SPs as well
if provided by eduGAIN centrally.
Also, the last time (few years ago) we regularly run the tool above we were told it caused havoc at some federations thinking
someone systematically tries to do bad things to them...

Thank you for the answers.

Jozef Misutka

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