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Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)
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RE: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer
Chronological Thread
- From: Martin Kjeldgaard Nikolajsen <martinn AT>
- To: Stefan Winter <stefan.winter AT>, Thomas Andersen <than AT>
- Cc: "cat-users AT" <cat-users AT>
- Subject: RE: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer
- Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 07:22:03 +0000
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Thanks for the response!
The problem we are facing with deploying a regular GPO is, that the users
can't change the password (or remove it for that sake) or change the settings
whether or not Eduroam automatically connects or not - But obviously there
are multiply ways to set it up, so I’m just looking for a way that is more
preference based (and of course also slightly less secure).
@Thomas, it would be amazing if I could get a copy of your Eduroam GPO, you
might have some settings that I haven’t tried / looked at.
Best regards
Martin Kjeldgaard Nikolajsen
Københavns Universitet
Øster Farimagsgade 5, Bygning 16
1014 København K
DIR 35323282
MOB 28753282
martinn AT
-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Winter
[mailto:stefan.winter AT]
Sent: 31. maj 2016 08:23
To: Thomas Andersen; Martin Kjeldgaard Nikolajsen
cat-users AT
Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows
CAT installer
> ITU++) . In my view, CAT is "just" a bundle of predefined settings
> ITU++which
> makes it easy for the end user.
Well, yes, that's exactly it :-)
> But to set the same settings as sysadm in a GPO shouldn't take many minutes.
The utility of CAT installers is much higher in settings where devices are
not part of an AD Domain and group policies are not available.
Totally agreed: if you can push settings via GPOs to a controlled user base,
just do that.
> Let me know if you need some help with this. We are almost neighbors
> :) (I am from IT University in Copenhagen)
> Br,
> Thomas
> Den 31. maj 2016 07.37 skrev Martin Kjeldgaard Nikolajsen
> <martinn AT>:
> Hi CAT developers
> Is it possible to get the content of the packages (I’m mostly
> interested in the bat files)
> Eduroam-W7-XX.exe
> Eduroam-W10-XX.exe
> To see if I can make a GPO that mimics the way that CAT works.
> Best regards
> Martin
> *Martin Kjeldgaard Nikolajsen*
> it-medarbejder
> Københavns Universitet
> Øster Farimagsgade 5, Bygning 16
> 1014 København K
> DIR 35323282
> MOB 28753282
> martinn AT
> <mailto:martinn AT>
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- [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Martin Kjeldgaard Nikolajsen, 05/30/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Stefan Winter, 05/31/2016
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Thomas Andersen, 05/31/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Stefan Winter, 05/31/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Martin Kjeldgaard Nikolajsen, 05/31/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Thomas Andersen, 05/31/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Alan Buxey, 05/31/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Thomas Andersen, 05/31/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Martin Kjeldgaard Nikolajsen, 05/31/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Is it possible to get the content of the Windows CAT installer, Stefan Winter, 05/31/2016
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