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rare-users - Re: [gn4-3-wp6-t1-wb-RARE] ietf pdf v3...

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Re: [gn4-3-wp6-t1-wb-RARE] ietf pdf v3...

Chronological Thread 
  • From: mc36 <>
  • To: ,
  • Subject: Re: [gn4-3-wp6-t1-wb-RARE] ietf pdf v3...
  • Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2021 10:19:44 +0100


just a small note that i've given it up: libreoffice does have support for it,
they call it notes, and when i enabled it, i see a second a4 sized page below
each slides. then i exported it to pdf but none of standard debian sid tools
had no support for that at all, but that master-pdf....
but, when i went to slideshow mode in libreoffice, which is the thing that
happen during the presentations, the nodes seemingly completely disappeared...
but at least, we'll have recordings....

regarding the scenario i use to test, i already have a live tree
( from that node's point of view,
i added link to that too. my spf can grenerate a dot file which
draws nicely in graphviz but the outcome is too big to fit the
slide so i dropped that idea too..... but if you're familiar
with these things, please find below the dot file....


rr>show ipv4 lsrp 1 graph
2021-02-24 10:17:31
sfdp -Tpng > net.png << EOF
graph net {
"wifi" -- "mchome" [weight=10] [taillabel="sdn1"]
"mchome-evpn" -- "mchome" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet12"]
"mchome-demo" -- "mchome" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet11"]
"parents-evpn" -- "parents" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet11"]
"rr" -- "safe" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet93"]
"safe-evpn" -- "safe" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet11"]
"player-dn42" -- "player" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet11"]
"player-evpn" -- "player" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet12"]
"player" -- "p4deb" [weight=33333] [taillabel="hairpin92.22"]
"player" -- "player" [weight=33333] [taillabel="hairpin82"]
"mchome" -- "wifi" [weight=9] [taillabel="sdn905"]
"mchome" -- "mchome-evpn" [weight=9] [taillabel="sdn902"]
"mchome" -- "mchome-demo" [weight=9] [taillabel="sdn901"]
"mchome" -- "working" [weight=9] [taillabel="bundle1.189"]
"mchome" -- "parents" [weight=11111] [taillabel="hairpin92.33"]
"mchome" -- "safe" [weight=9] [taillabel="bundle1.199"]
"mchome" -- "mediapc" [weight=9] [taillabel="bundle1.196"]
"mchome" -- "services" [weight=9] [taillabel="sdn904"]
"mchome" -- "noti" [weight=9] [taillabel="bundle1.176"]
"mchome" -- "noti" [weight=9] [taillabel="bundle1.170"]
"mchome" -- "nas" [weight=9] [taillabel="bundle1.186"]
"mchome" -- "p4deb" [weight=11111] [taillabel="hairpin82.23"]
"mchome" -- "vpn" [weight=11111] [taillabel="hairpin72.15"]
"mchome" -- "player" [weight=9] [taillabel="bundle1.182"]
"working" -- "mchome" [weight=9] [taillabel="sdn1.189"]
"working" -- "nas" [weight=11] [taillabel="sdn1.179"]
"working" -- "player" [weight=200] [taillabel="sdn1.173"]
"parents" -- "parents-evpn" [weight=10] [taillabel="sdn901"]
"parents" -- "mchome" [weight=11111] [taillabel="hairpin92.33"]
"parents" -- "p4deb" [weight=11111] [taillabel="hairpin82.24"]
"parents" -- "vpn" [weight=11111] [taillabel="hairpin72.16"]
"safe" -- "rr" [weight=10] [taillabel="sdn902"]
"safe" -- "safe-evpn" [weight=10] [taillabel="sdn901"]
"safe" -- "mchome" [weight=9] [taillabel="bundle1.199"]
"safe" -- "nas" [weight=11] [taillabel="bundle1.185"]
"safe" -- "player" [weight=200] [taillabel="bundle1.172"]
"mediapc" -- "mchome" [weight=9] [taillabel="sdn1.196"]
"mediapc" -- "noti" [weight=300] [taillabel="sdn1.174"]
"mediapc" -- "nas" [weight=11] [taillabel="sdn1.178"]
"mediapc" -- "player" [weight=200] [taillabel="sdn1.180"]
"services" -- "mchome" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet91"]
"noti" -- "mchome" [weight=9] [taillabel="sdn1.176"]
"noti" -- "mchome" [weight=9] [taillabel="sdn1.170"]
"noti" -- "mediapc" [weight=300] [taillabel="sdn1.174"]
"noti" -- "nas" [weight=11] [taillabel="sdn1.175"]
"noti" -- "player" [weight=200] [taillabel="sdn1.171"]
"noti" -- "noti-evpn" [weight=10] [taillabel="sdn901"]
"www" -- "p4deb" [weight=999999] [taillabel="tunnel2"]
"www" -- "p4deb" [weight=999999] [taillabel="tunnel4"]
"www" -- "vpn" [weight=999999] [taillabel="tunnel1"]
"www" -- "vpn" [weight=999999] [taillabel="tunnel3"]
"rtr1.c4e" -- "rtr2.c4e" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel1"]
"rtr1.c4e" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel8"]
"rtr1.c4e" -- "p4deb" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel9"]
"nas" -- "mchome" [weight=11] [taillabel="bundle1.186"]
"nas" -- "working" [weight=11] [taillabel="bundle1.179"]
"nas" -- "safe" [weight=11] [taillabel="bundle1.185"]
"nas" -- "mediapc" [weight=11] [taillabel="bundle1.178"]
"nas" -- "noti" [weight=11] [taillabel="bundle1.175"]
"nas" -- "player" [weight=11] [taillabel="bundle1.177"]
"rtr2.c4e" -- "rtr1.c4e" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel1"]
"rtr2.c4e" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel8"]
"rtr2.c4e" -- "p4deb" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel9"]
"snoopy.vhpc" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel8"]
"snoopy.vhpc" -- "p4deb" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel9"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "rtr1.c4e" [weight=444444] [taillabel="tunnel19"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "rtr2.c4e" [weight=444444] [taillabel="tunnel11"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "snoopy.vhpc" [weight=444444] [taillabel="tunnel20"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "p4deb" [weight=444444] [taillabel="tunnel22"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "p4deb" [weight=444444] [taillabel="tunnel23"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "sniffer.vh" [weight=444444] [taillabel="tunnel21"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "kaputt.debrecen3" [weight=444444] [taillabel="tunnel15"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "vpn" [weight=444444] [taillabel="bvi88.18"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "sulinet-cpe.c4e" [weight=444444] [taillabel="tunnel13"]
"nrpe.deb3vhpc" -- "rare-cpe" [weight=444444] [taillabel="tunnel12"]
"p4deb" -- "player" [weight=333333] [taillabel="hairpin12.22"]
"p4deb" -- "mchome" [weight=333333] [taillabel="hairpin12.23"]
"p4deb" -- "parents" [weight=333333] [taillabel="hairpin12.24"]
"p4deb" -- "www" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel17"]
"p4deb" -- "www" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel28"]
"p4deb" -- "rtr1.c4e" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel25"]
"p4deb" -- "rtr2.c4e" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel26"]
"p4deb" -- "snoopy.vhpc" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel27"]
"p4deb" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel11"]
"p4deb" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel12"]
"p4deb" -- "sniffer.vh" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel14"]
"p4deb" -- "kaputt.debrecen3" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel15"]
"p4deb" -- "vpn" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel20"]
"p4deb" -- "sulinet-cpe.c4e" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel18"]
"p4deb" -- "rare-cpe" [weight=333333] [taillabel="tunnel29"]
"p4deb" -- "p4deb-rr" [weight=333333] [taillabel="sdn3"]
"core" -- "mchome" [weight=1] [taillabel="bundle1.164"]
"core" -- "working" [weight=1] [taillabel="bundle1.160"]
"core" -- "safe" [weight=1] [taillabel="bundle1.161"]
"core" -- "mediapc" [weight=1] [taillabel="bundle1.159"]
"core" -- "noti" [weight=1] [taillabel="bundle1.158"]
"core" -- "nas" [weight=1] [taillabel="bundle1.163"]
"core" -- "player" [weight=1] [taillabel="bundle1.162"]

"sniffer.vh" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=888888] [taillabel="tunnel1"]
"sniffer.vh" -- "p4deb" [weight=888888] [taillabel="tunnel2"]
"kaputt.debrecen3" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel8"]
"kaputt.debrecen3" -- "p4deb" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel9"]
"kaputt.debrecen3" -- "fr3.kaputt" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet2097"]
"kaputt.debrecen3" -- "fr2.kaputt" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet2098"]
"kaputt.debrecen3" -- "fr1.kaputt" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet2099"]
"vpn" -- "mchome" [weight=999999] [taillabel="bvi99.15"]
"vpn" -- "parents" [weight=999999] [taillabel="bvi99.16"]
"vpn" -- "www" [weight=999999] [taillabel="tunnel11"]
"vpn" -- "www" [weight=999999] [taillabel="tunnel10"]
"vpn" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=999999] [taillabel="bvi99.18"]
"vpn" -- "p4deb" [weight=999999] [taillabel="tunnel12"]
"sulinet-cpe.c4e" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel2"]
"sulinet-cpe.c4e" -- "p4deb" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel1"]
"player" -- "player-dn42" [weight=10] [taillabel="sdn901"]
"player" -- "player-evpn" [weight=10] [taillabel="sdn902"]
"player" -- "player" [weight=33333] [taillabel="hairpin81"]
"player" -- "mchome" [weight=9] [taillabel="sdn1.182"]
"player" -- "working" [weight=300] [taillabel="sdn1.173"]
"player" -- "safe" [weight=300] [taillabel="sdn1.172"]
"player" -- "mediapc" [weight=300] [taillabel="sdn1.180"]
"player" -- "noti" [weight=300] [taillabel="sdn1.171"]
"player" -- "nas" [weight=11] [taillabel="sdn1.177"]
"noti-evpn" -- "noti" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet11"]
"fr3.kaputt" -- "kaputt.debrecen3" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet2097"]
"fr2.kaputt" -- "kaputt.debrecen3" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet2098"]
"fr1.kaputt" -- "kaputt.debrecen3" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet2099"]
"sid" -- "safe" [weight=300] [taillabel="bundle9.11"]

"sid" -- "safe" [weight=300] [taillabel="bundle9.12"]
"rare-cpe" -- "nrpe.deb3vhpc" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel8"]
"rare-cpe" -- "p4deb" [weight=10] [taillabel="tunnel9"]
"p4deb-rr" -- "p4deb" [weight=10] [taillabel="ethernet11"]


On 2/23/21 10:20 AM, wrote:
That one is the latest free version of that software, it is fully functional
The tarballs are there.
Just in case...

-----Original Message-----
From: mc36 <>
Sent: 23 February 2021 10:06
To: ;
Subject: Re: [gn4-3-wp6-t1-wb-RARE] ietf pdf v3...

thank you soo much, it smells like a good idea, i'll add description to the
somehow....:) thanks, cs

On 2/23/21 9:38 AM, wrote:
Hi Csaba,

Just my 5 cents. You may want to underline some of the routes entries and
put some small description of what you will say, for two reasons, people
disconnects some times during talks or may miss part and would want to
rejoin, and the slides I guess will be made publicly available to people that
won't be on the talk so they may understand what is in there.

Also I would add a slide with the scenario you are running, I guess a couple
of routers connected via a direct link.

As said, just my humble opinion, I know the important thing is what
you will say to de audience but as I said, slides remain =)


-----Original Message-----
From: <rare-users-
> On Behalf Of mc36
Sent: 23 February 2021 08:40
To: ;
Subject: [gn4-3-wp6-t1-wb-RARE] ietf pdf v3...

hi team,
floui had the idea yesterday night that we should put up an online
bier demo, and i realized that my sandbox already provides one
for 2+ years!
so please find attached the updated slideshow, with the additional slide.
also please note that all the underlined links are clickable.
for example the (demo) on the experience slide gives you a hopefully
better quality sound-of-bier video compared the to what i did on the
last vc...:) regards, cs

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