cat-users AT
Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)
List archive
- From: Eleanor Coultish <eleanor.coultish AT>
- To: cat-users AT
- Subject: [[cat-users]] Unique Identifier QR code
- Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2022 11:40:35 +0100
I'm not sure if this has happened since the upgrade of CAT, it certainly worked ok a few weeks ago. On our profile page if I click to display the Unique Identifier if get the following error:

It used to show a graphic of the QR code and link to our idp. Can someone have a look at this please?
Eleanor Coultish
Network Operations Manager
IT Services
Directorate of Technology, Estates and Facilities
University of York | Heslington | York | YO10 5DD
+ 44 (0)1904 328467
University of York | Heslington | York | YO10 5DD
+ 44 (0)1904 328467
- [[cat-users]] Unique Identifier QR code, Eleanor Coultish, 09/06/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Unique Identifier QR code, Stefan Winter, 09/06/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Unique Identifier QR code, Eleanor Coultish, 09/06/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Unique Identifier QR code, Stefan Paetow, 09/06/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Unique Identifier QR code, Eleanor Coultish, 09/07/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Unique Identifier QR code, Stefan Paetow, 09/06/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Unique Identifier QR code, Eleanor Coultish, 09/06/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Unique Identifier QR code, Stefan Winter, 09/06/2022
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