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cat-users - Re: [[cat-users]] Installer integrity check has failed - fixed by editing profile but making no changes

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Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)

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Re: [[cat-users]] Installer integrity check has failed - fixed by editing profile but making no changes

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Tomasz Wolniewicz <twoln AT>
  • To: Robert Franklin <rcf34 AT>, "cat-users AT" <cat-users AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] Installer integrity check has failed - fixed by editing profile but making no changes
  • Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 21:28:42 +0200
  • Autocrypt: addr=twoln AT; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= mQENBEvhYBEBCADIlSk8hnUtSfZ1hLbuqiUxTiBtm65lM6OlxjYnWEsH/boOsVS/WdFZebwK 53eg280UcX9VDjFjy5rimsknCvxabnxk13AF//t9mN9tq5MmIkIcRIpLrtqc8Q0s0E84cNzB bDMtRzAd7JUTmKyAnkKE9i2R9FJKzeR9TTeKtBdgXHtUKPHPGOdxUUv8UWKxsj9AYi2CgN98 jiWLx6lTIpaWegWxIyih7WUKSf43Bpi6wFxhfOxteLyQUpIlGg4CasTVGpFsha8KzlupXOLG Tl3hXtQFWvE0tl1GidvTyuQlOzsZ1vjTNEzI25VTkOIgP4IYcWSkP74p/a239ZcTOHhZABEB AAG0IFRvbWFzeiBXb2xuaWV3aWN6IDx0d29sbkB1bWsucGw+iQE4BBMBAgAiBQJL4WARAhsD BgsJCAcDAgYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRA8PEwxkb+lPgkeB/9NAGlmopLel6EEDFz2 ra3KLBx8kXT3G1K/YYyrjDwNjCkAmm0evzQx8g9vPX2OzvE6Ai2Xi9hPd2K/ShPFPcgJzzjr h9H1XYfBb2N/tRwN9tb4XO5i9Tsa4jP+SG8h2yQY57QOeFy16joDmIZiZrAEIGpqqSV24PrX FSo2d1E4dMswqDXlEYk9hwbdW9H4zOQrnDZeRlRx/RW/cmWTd8r5C12dKhlT/D/fBkL3eYT7 rnjHtS+ArnMUsxu2Z/q6bmxqRyv4Vn4pR0n699iLa0ol2hWeQJFaZyTA7JksW8zWu/Zasd9K Dw3jM59vs/SXVdG8pMexAzH5jmEEAgwYwUbVuQENBEvhYBEBCACgAz/z7VTnCsPSBUrjCLyS j+eRtr2tQzSU48Qa5hOcIxAKQJQNgOOqs0Mq9fT9lV+OttaYyKtijt1+G2dVMETVFkdZmM0c g8pVJp398993v89U/iwjfvNoqCM/9z312Poha/oL/EOk+gWYxZbyQ18SY69va2WHr6Pl3bzR 6BQpb86W85MreQ2lxd76b6BgjOXA/b39YyU/fMeFQd+wDpT3K1fUr89dYRnyzQIxTBSPOMLQ ShHKc/S8dStbNlLNcnaiyBOsH4A7b6IizQGqyVHBeL7u05X0/ZVdEIgsO3NmQouqY0/WjBdV qg4EsI1VvvgwXKWafP1MryLy4ZcnNjQZABEBAAGJAR8EGAECAAkFAkvhYBECGwwACgkQPDxM MZG/pT6lUQf8DC3i15okq3VycbpTYuH6f1lQkqanMS0z4z8F6xtCeXq0DBFk0ZzAU/mCwc3V PdUVGtRKGjouSAB1HDeTvAth1vY0oOJG3kXBwkcui3QxM3sxksNCRLLwcZVnsK9rt6UVp5aG qBwKf44BSApGyHNuKDhCfMCQHueqlfhJYfXocw6KDObvTkwygHLmw93ohV66v26yNvGo6+q2 qTDykGyuicACPDTyJTWFh2IwwZFAdzcc7St8aKkXFk0zWvoriWHeTLUnuFw7HN640IJkG74a 4NGco2yPc7Cz6q59rgE9xydOOXRdmnfiuJu0kQvQocD1rVLjW3qXdnxPd2/FhO4vWg==
  • Openpgp: preference=signencrypt

Sorry for answering too quickly. I see that you did the right thing and
got the situation under control.

It happens really rarely, but sometimes the signing process fails and
the error checking does not behave correctly leaving the corrupt
installer. This will be fixed in the next release of CAT.

Tomasz Wolniewicz

W dniu 19.07.2019 o 20:48, Tomasz Wolniewicz pisze:
> Such a situation may happen when something wrong happens during the
> installer signing. I will try to locate the faulty installer and delete
> it from the cache, the new one should be fine. Will let you know when
> this is done.
> Tomasz Wolniewicz
> W dniu 19.07.2019 o 16:16, Robert Franklin pisze:
>> Hello,
>> We had a problem with our Windows 7 installer, first reported on 16th July
>> (i.e. Tuesday) displaying an error dialog when run, stating:
>> Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include
>> incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the
>> installer's author to obtain a new copy.
>> More information at:
>> This error occurred each time it was downloaded and run, on multiple
>> different machines (including ones with only the built in Windows
>> anti-virus software, so I don't think any third party anti-virus software
>> is to blame).
>> We didn't have this issue with our Windows 10 installer (although the
>> error will be displayed on Windows 10, if you mistakenly use the Windows 7
>> installer on it).
>> I found some emails from 23rd October 2017 saying this had happened in the
>> past which suggested a corrupt version may have been downloaded.
>> In our case, I went to the CAT page for the installer and edited the
>> profile, made no changes but then saved it. After doing this, the
>> downloads all succeed, on the same machines, with an installer that is
>> 10kB larger (same as the previous report). My suspicion is that a corrupt
>> installer was created and cached and editing the profile forced a rebuild
>> - I don't think the client machine was to blame as all the affected
>> machines are now working.
>> I have a copy of the installer before and after it being fixed, if they're
>> of interest - the last broken one downloaded at 14:51 BST (GMT+01) today
>> (19th July - Friday) and the fixed one at 14:52. Are they of interest to
>> investigate this or is it just a spurious problem?
>> - Bob
Tomasz Wolniewicz
twoln AT

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