Dear cat-users support,
I did other tests with CAT on Android systems.
Currently on the RADIUS server we have a certificate chain like this
(attached file RADIUS_certificate):
RADIUS server certificate
intermediate chain
On the CAT configuration we put (attached file
CAT_certificate_conf.jpg) :
intermediate chain
With this configuration all platforms are working fine (Windows,
IOS, Mac OS X) but Android still doesn't work. The only way to make
Android CAT configuration working is modifying the CA
certificate field on "not specified" option.
Are there other institutions with the same issue? Is it possible to
show on CAT download page only working configuration and hiding
Thank you so much,
Michele de Varda
Università degli Studi di Milano
Divisione Telecomunicazioni
via G. Colombo 46
20133 Milano
Tel. 02 50315306
On 06/26/2015 05:57 PM, Stefan Winter
you for your good suggestion.
I commented in the eap.conf the ca_file directive, you have
right: we don't use client certificates.
I appended the chain certificate to the server certificate as
you suggested but unfortunately Android systems don't complete
the auth. transaction and I have the same error:
Fri Jun 26 15:57:15 2015 : Auth: Login incorrect (TLS Alert
read:fatal:unknown CA): [michele.devarda AT]
(from client IAM4 port 109 cli b4:30:52:28:38:d2)
Do I have to put only root CA in the cat configuration?
The root is sufficient, so long as you send the intermediate CA in
the EAP conversation (which is obviously not happening, and is the
problem here).
may be another configuration problem in our RADIUS conf?
Well there is always a chance that I got it wrong and you have to
put intermediate *first* in the file, and server cert second. :-)
Does the realm check say anything about intermediate certs not
available in the EAP conversation?
next two weeks I will be on holiday :-) We'll be in touch on the
next month.
Have fun :-)
Thank you so much,
On 06/26/2015 02:37 PM, Stefan
Winter wrote:
Hi again,
This is NOT the case for other users of the app. Something must be wrong
the APP configure correctly PEAP as EAP method and MSCHAPv2 as Phase 2
In the CA certificate field of my device I found this certificate name
(see screenshot):
It is correct? The certificate name should be "VeriSign Class 3 Public
Primary Certification Authority - G5"?
That is correct. The "name" is just a handle for the CA inside the
device, it has nothing to do with the CN. Welcome to the wonderful world
of Android :-)
In the EduroamCAT debug window I see only the root certificate with
CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
Is it possible that Android needs to install also the intermediate
cert? The Intermediate cert is present in our CAT config.
The intermediate needs to be present in the EAP conversation. That is,
your RADIUS server needs to send it along with the server certificate.
Where in the FreeRADIUS config did you put the intermediate certificate?
In eap.conf (see attached file)
The name of the intermediate certificate is eduroam_chain.crt
There's your problem. ca_file is the wrong parameter. As the FreeRADIUS
documentation right above that parameter states:
# ALL of the CA's in this list will be trusted
# to issue client certificates for authentication.
So this is exclusively about EAP-TLS *client* certificates, and has no
effect for other EAP types like PEAP.
To construct the chain, you need to append the intermediate CA's PEM in
the same file of your server certificate. I.e. eduroam_unimi_it.crt
(server cert)
(intermediate CA cert)
And then reload FreeRADIUS. This should cure the problem.
BTW, the realm checks are supposed to detect this condition in UI (so I
should not need to write lengthy emails). Did you not get a
warning-level information of sorts "Chain only works when considering
the CAT config, but not with EAP conversation information. Consider
adding intermediates in EAP"?
Stefan Winter
Stefan Winter
Thanks a lot,
On 06/26/2015 11:17 AM, Stefan Winter wrote:
I have just tested your realm against the Verisign root and everything
works just fine.
There is not a single warning or error in the realm checks.
Could you verify if you still have an issue?
Stefan Winter
On 25.06.2015 15:44, Michele de Varda wrote:
Hi Gareth,
thank you for your answer.
In the Radius server we installed both server certificate (in attach
our eap.conf file):
/[root@nekkar Verisign-Cert]# openssl x509 -noout -text -in
eduroam_unimi_it.crt //
// Data://
// Version: 3 (0x2)//
// Serial Number://
// 35:b3:75:3d:94:03:f3:cb:e6:44:a1:bc:9d:bb:1a:ed//
// Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption//
// Issuer: C=US, O=Symantec Corporation, OU=Symantec Trust
Network, CN=Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4//
// Validity//
// Not Before: Mar 2 00:00:00 2015 GMT//
// Not After : Mar 2 23:59:59 2017 GMT//
// Subject: C=IT, ST=Milano, L=Milano, O=Universita' degli
di Milano, OU=Div. Telecomunicazioni,
// Subject Public Key Info://
// Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption//
// RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)//.........
/and chain file certificate:/
[root@nekkar Verisign-Cert]# openssl x509 -noout -text -in
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network,
OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign
3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
Not Before: Oct 31 00:00:00 2013 GMT
Not After : Oct 30 23:59:59 2023 GMT
Subject: C=US, O=Symantec Corporation, OU=Symantec Trust
Network, CN=Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key: (2048 bit).......
Also in the CAT configuration we put root certificate and chain file
(see attached screenshot). Initially in the cat conf we put only the
root certificate and it worked fine only with Windows and iOS, but
didn't work with MAC OS X, so we put the chain ca file./
//Do you have any suggestions/?
Thank you again,
On 06/25/2015 02:41 PM, Ayres G.J. wrote:
I have tested your eap-config and it looks like it parses OK, and
installs a Verisign CA Cert:
CERT Subject=CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification
Authority - G5, OU="(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use
only", OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US
Is this the correct CA cert you have configured in your radius
You have a certificate chain present, so you need to ensure your
radius server is sending the intermediates.
I think you can test this via site using the
realm check.
Can you test this please?
Gareth Ayres.
*From:*Michele de Varda [mailto:michele.devarda AT]
*Sent:* 25 June 2015 12:56
*To:* cat-users AT
*Cc:* Claudio Lori
*Subject:* Re: [cat-users] Impossible to download Windows client
Today the Windows CAT download for Univ. degli Studi di Milano
seems ok.
The configuration for Android is still not working: we tested
eduroamCAT app 1.0.16 only with 2 kitkat 4.4 devices and we
obtain the
RADIUS TLS error (unknown CA):
/Thu Jun 25 13:44:10 2015 : Auth: Login incorrect (TLS Alert
read:fatal:unknown CA): [//michele.devarda AT
<mailto:michele.devarda AT>/] (from client IAM2 port 109 cli
The CA config. works fine with WIndows, Mac and iOS systems.
I attached an app screenshot, I don't know if is it possible copy
past the complete WiFi Logs from EduroamCAT App.
Thank you for your support,
Michele de Varda
On 06/24/2015 05:12 PM, Michele de Varda wrote:
Dear CAT developers,
I'm the CAT admin for Univ. of Milan.
Today I did some tests changing our CA chain because the CAT
Android client doesn't work for our university, this is the
/Wed Jun 24 11:33:02 2015 : Auth: Login incorrect (TLS Alert
read:fatal:unknown CA): [//michele.devarda AT
<mailto:michele.devarda AT>/]/
Now we can not download Windows configuration, we receive this
/"This is embarrassing. Generation of your installer failed.
System admins have been notified. We will try to take care
of the
problem as soon as possible."/
Can you help us?
Thank you for your great job
Michele de Varda
Università degli Studi di Milano
Divisione Telecomunicazioni
via G. Colombo 46
20133 Milano
Tel. 02 50315306
Michele de Varda
Università degli Studi di Milano
Divisione Telecomunicazioni
via G. Colombo 46
20133 Milano
Tel. 02 50315306
Michele de Varda
Università degli Studi di Milano
Divisione Telecomunicazioni
via G. Colombo 46
20133 Milano
Tel. 02 50315306
Michele de Varda
Università degli Studi di Milano
Divisione Telecomunicazioni
via G. Colombo 46
20133 Milano
Tel. 02 50315306
Michele de Varda
Università degli Studi di Milano
Divisione Telecomunicazioni
via G. Colombo 46
20133 Milano
Tel. 02 50315306