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rare-dev - Re: [rare-dev] Support with PolKA/SR-MPLS experiment

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Re: [rare-dev] Support with PolKA/SR-MPLS experiment

Chronological Thread 
  • From: mc36 <>
  • To: , Cristina Klippel Dominicini <>, Frederic LOUI <>
  • Cc: Cristina Klippel Dominicini <>, Everson Borges <>, Marcos Schwarz <>, rafaelsg <>, "Moises R. N. Ribeiro" <>, Magnos Martinello <>, Domingos Paraiso <>
  • Subject: Re: [rare-dev] Support with PolKA/SR-MPLS experiment
  • Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 08:02:13 +0200

surely yess for the vc, will the next regular rare freertr session work for

On 9/1/22 21:34, Cristina Klippel Dominicini wrote:
Hi, Frederic and Csaba,

I hope this email finds you well :-)

Everson has been working in the PolKA/SR-MPLS tests in the RARE testbed. Following your last instructions, we are setting up the Tofino nodes at AMS and FRA as both PolKA (or SR-MPLS) core and edge nodes, and the DTNs generate traffic (topology file attached).

However, we detected some inconsistencies in the results and have been facing some difficulties in debugging whether the problem is in our configuration (most probably) or in the freeRtr implementation of PolKA when edge and nodes are in the same node (our previous emulated tests were using separated edge/core). I can send a more detailed description about the debugging and, if possible, it would be very good if we could set up a VC with you to show what we have done. Is it possible please to use part of the slot of the freertr-dev meeting on September 6th?

Everson has just arrived in Caltech to start a 3-month internship, with the
goal of developing these PolKA/SRMPLS tests for the SuperComputing conference.
@Everson, when you settle down, could you please share with us the backup of
the config files that you are using at the RARE testbed?

Thank you,

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