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cat-users - [[cat-users]] connect Microsoft HoloLens to eduroam

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[[cat-users]] connect Microsoft HoloLens to eduroam

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Gregor Bothe <gregor.bothe AT>
  • To: cat-users AT
  • Subject: [[cat-users]] connect Microsoft HoloLens to eduroam
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 16:22:35 +0200


does anybody have experience with connecting a Microsoft HoloLens (1) to an eduroam WiFi with a forced outer identity?

As far as I figured out, it should run a Windows 10 with its own UI. But it behaves like a Windows 10 RT - you can not run any EXE application and
you just can install apps from its own app store. Therefor I can't just use CAT.
The build in WiFi settings are limited to username and password (inner = outer identity) and I couldn't get into the system settings or start a cmd.

I'm aware of other solutions like radiator config or a special WiFI, but maybe someone has experience with this mixed reality device.

Best regards,

Gregor Bothe


Universität Leipzig
Augustusplatz 10
04109 Leipzig

E-Mail:   gregor.bothe AT

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  • [[cat-users]] connect Microsoft HoloLens to eduroam, Gregor Bothe, 07/10/2019

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