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cat-users - [[cat-users]] Joining Eduroam

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Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)

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[[cat-users]] Joining Eduroam

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Jonathan Hawkins <contact AT>
  • To: cat-users AT
  • Subject: [[cat-users]] Joining Eduroam
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2019 11:25:38 +0100

Hello Eduroam

We are a company that support education establishments around the UK. We work a lot at Oxford university and also Hospitals in the south of England. 

We used to be connected to eduroam though a role at oxford university and it was a massive benefit for us to be able to stay connected throughout all the university and hospital networks.

Is it possible for us to join Eduroam ourselves so we can stay connected and continue to offer full support to our education establishments ?

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Hawkins
Hawkins Management and Maintenance
Jonathan Hawkins
Managing Director
T: 07894270279
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