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- From: IAM David Bantz <dabantz AT>
- To: EG Support <support AT>
- Cc: list <cat-users AT>
- Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] Live Login Test fails
- Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 13:59:57 -0900
- Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (2048-bit key)
I used the GÉANT live login test just yesterday to verify U Alaska's switch to new identity (RADIUS) servers and new authN method.

Test worked as expected providing simulated login from NL and DK to our servers in the US, routed via Re-used today for the test attached.
Do the static connectivity tests indicate successful connection to your RADIUS server(s)?
David Bantz

On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 1:44 PM EG Support <support AT> wrote:
Is something wrong with Live Login Test? I have tried my best to sniff for RADIUS traffic during live test, but found none. When doing static tests I do see UDP 1812 sessions.
I have just received confirmation from one of our students (as indicated in the extract of the log-file) that he is in fact able to use foreign eduroam WiFi.
Best Regards
Mikael Klintorp
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- [[cat-users]] Live Login Test fails, EG Support, 12/27/2018
- Re: [[cat-users]] Live Login Test fails, IAM David Bantz, 12/27/2018
- SV: [[cat-users]] Live Login Test fails, EG Support, 12/28/2018
- Re: [[cat-users]] Live Login Test fails, Stefan Winter, 12/31/2018
- Re: [[cat-users]] Live Login Test fails, IAM David Bantz, 12/27/2018
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