cat-users AT
Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)
List archive
- From: Rindala pereverzev <rindala AT>
- To: help AT, cat-users AT, wifi AT
- Subject: [[cat-users]] authentification error
- Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 12:21:22 +0200
- Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass header.i= AT
Dear eduroam help staff,
I am a student at the french university Sorbonne Paris 04 and I have been trying to log in to the « eduroam » network on campus and from other campuses nearby with my university credentials and so far no luck connecting. I tried to install the configuration tool but my university was not listed.
This is a screenshot of the error message I get. It says: failure of authentification.

Any advice on how to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Rindala Pereverzev
- [[cat-users]] authentification error, Rindala pereverzev, 09/24/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] authentification error, Stefan Winter, 09/26/2016
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