cat-users AT
Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)
List archive
- From: "Marcin Balcerzyk" <mbalcerzyk AT>
- To: "'Gustavo A. Rodriguez'" <gusrodri AT>
- Cc: 'Daniel Daza Muñoz' <daniel AT>, <cat-users AT>, 'Carmen Lopez (Nené)' <carmen AT>, "'Jose Manuel Macias Luna'" <jmanuel.macias AT>, "'Alan Buxey'" <A.L.M.Buxey AT>, "'Stefan Winter'" <stefan.winter AT>
- Subject: RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10
- Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 15:08:51 +0100
Dear Gustavo.
I hope this expanding discussion is helpful to you in implementation.
Kind regards
Marcin Balcerzyk, Ph.D.
Unidad Ciclotron,
Centro Nacional de Aceleradores,
Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC-Junta de Andalucia,
Parque Tecnólogico Cartuja 93,
c/Thomas Alva Edison Nº 7,
41092 Sevilla (Spain),
Tel.: (+34) 954 460 553 ext. 226,
Fax: (+34) 954 460 145,
mobile:(+34) 697 322 126
Skype: balcerzm
-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Manuel Macias Luna
[mailto:jmanuel.macias AT]
Sent: 25 January 2016 14:34
To: Alan Buxey
<A.L.M.Buxey AT>;
Marcin Balcerzyk
<mbalcerzyk AT>;
'Stefan Winter'
<stefan.winter AT>
Cc: 'Daniel Daza Muñoz'
<daniel AT>;
cat-users AT;
'Gustavo A. Rodriguez'
<gusrodri AT>;
'Carmen Lopez (Nené)'
<carmen AT>
Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and
El 25/01/16 a las 14:26, Alan Buxey escribió:
> It's an unusual case if a server that can do PAP can't do MSCHAPv2
> (but such stuff still needs configuration on the server)
Except –correct me if I'm wrong– for the format in which the password of the
user is hashed. Even though FreeRADIUS or Radiator (to name two) offer that
possibility, you'd also need to have an NTLM hashed password stored
somewhere, right?
- RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Marcin Balcerzyk, 01/22/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Stefan Winter, 01/22/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Marcin Balcerzyk, 01/22/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Marcin Balcerzyk, 01/25/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Jose Manuel Macias Luna, 01/25/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Alan Buxey, 01/25/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Jose Manuel Macias Luna, 01/25/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Marcin Balcerzyk, 01/25/2016
- [[cat-users]] Strange behaviour of WP 8.1, Tomasz Wolniewicz, 01/26/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Strange behaviour of WP 8.1, A . L . M . Buxey, 01/26/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] [eduroam] Strange behaviour of WP 8.1, Stefan Winter, 01/27/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] [eduroam] Strange behaviour of WP 8.1, Stefan Winter, 01/27/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] [eduroam] Strange behaviour of WP 8.1, Rok Papež, 01/27/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Marcin Balcerzyk, 01/25/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Jose Manuel Macias Luna, 01/25/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Alan Buxey, 01/25/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Jose Manuel Macias Luna, 01/25/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Marcin Balcerzyk, 01/25/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Nicolás Velázquez, 01/26/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, A . L . M . Buxey, 01/26/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and10, Marcin Balcerzyk, 01/26/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, A . L . M . Buxey, 01/26/2016
- RE: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and10, Marcin Balcerzyk, 01/26/2016
- Re: [[cat-users]] Installation of Eduroam for Windows Phone 8.1 and 10, Stefan Winter, 01/22/2016
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