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rare-dev - Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter

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Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Cristina Klippel Dominicini <>
  • To: Frédéric LOUI <>
  • Cc: "" <>, Magnos Martinello <>, Rafael Silva Guimarães <>, "Moises R. N. Ribeiro" <>
  • Subject: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter
  • Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2021 21:57:51 +0000
  • Accept-language: pt-BR, en-US

Hi, Frederic,

Thank you very much! Your help with the RFC and RARE tests will be more than
welcome =)
Yes, I forgot to add these action points. So, updating the list:

- install a freeRouter virtual testbed;
- reproduce the demo from Csaba in virtual environment;
- document the changes to integrate PolKA in the repository by checking the
- open an issue at p4lang/bmv2 to clarify the possibility of modifying the
CRC custom polynomial via P4Runtime GRPC interface;
- work with the RARE team in the RFC specification; and
- implement a central controller (mc36 suggested to use PCEP which is
perceived as IETF way to handle centralise TE).

RARE (Frederic, Csaba and Jordi):
- provide support :)
- reproduce the demo in the RARE testbed; and
- generate the RFC initial version.

Best regards,

De: Frédéric LOUI <>
Enviado: quinta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2021 18:38
Para: Cristina Klippel Dominicini
Cc: ; Magnos Martinello; Rafael Silva Guimarães;
Moises R. N. Ribeiro
Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32
library in freerouter

We also talked about getting back to p4lang/bmv2 in order to clarify the
possibility to access via P4Runtime GRPC interface the mathematical function
(extern library ?)

And also a tangible interest from Moises to implement a central controller.
(mc36 suggested to use PCEP which is perceived as IETF way to handle
centralise TE)

> Le 4 nov. 2021 à 22:22, Frédéric LOUI <> a écrit :
> Hi Cristina,
> Considering the workload you have I see no reason why we can share the
> effort..
> If you are OK I propose to provide you a first draft of RFC initial version
> and try to reproduce the experiment on the P4 lab.
> All the best,
> Frederic
>> Le 4 nov. 2021 à 22:16, Cristina Klippel Dominicini
>> <> a écrit :
>> Hi Csaba,
>> Thank you very much for the demo on Tuesday! We were really happy to see
>> PolKA integrated into freeRouter... with PolKA tunnels, PBR, ... and the
>> full set of features that comes with freeRouter =)
>> Actions points from our side now:
>> - install a freeRouter virtual testbed;
>> - reproduce the demo from Csaba in virtual environment;
>> - document the changes to integrate PolKA in the repository by checking
>> the commits;
>> - reproduce the demo in the RARE testbed (after Frederic applies the
>> modifications); and
>> - generate the RFC initial version.
>> @Jordi, is it possible please to give access to the recordings of the
>> three last meetings (#0005, #0006 and #0007)? I checked in the youtube
>> channel (,
>> but they are not there yet. It would be very helpful to have access to the
>> recordings to tackle the action points.
>> Thank you!
>> Cristina
>> ________________________________________
>> De: <> em
>> nome de mc36 <>
>> Enviado: terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2021 11:58
>> Para: ; Cristina Klippel Dominicini; Frédéric LOUI
>> Cc: Magnos Martinello; Rafael Silva Guimarães; Moises R. N. Ribeiro
>> Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32
>> library in freerouter
>> hi,
>> scroll back on this thread and check out those commits i mentioned...
>> these two are too far and have much other stuff...
>> regards,
>> cs
>> On 11/2/21 15:53, Cristina Klippel Dominicini wrote:
>>> Hi, Frederic,
>>> No problem. It was good that we have more time to explore the huge (and
>>> super fast) effort Csaba did to include PolKA into freeRouter.
>>> @Csaba, I am comparing these two commits. Are they good references of
>>> start and end of PolKA development?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Cristina
>>> ________________________________________
>>> De: Frédéric LOUI <>
>>> Enviado: terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2021 11:47
>>> Para:
>>> Cc: Cristina Klippel Dominicini; Magnos Martinello; Rafael Silva
>>> Guimarães; Moises R. N. Ribeiro
>>> Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom
>>> crc32 library in freerouter
>>> My bad, wrongly assumed that the « S » in CEST was "S"aving time like
>>> in Daily Saving Time :3
>>> My bad IâEUR(tm)d would put CET from now on !
>>>> Le 2 nov. 2021 à 15:23, mc36 <> a écrit :
>>>> okk, the meeting room is closed again so let's wait then... :)
>>>> On 11/2/21 15:21, mc36 wrote:
>>>>> hihi,
>>>>> my bad, frederic really said ceSt in the mail so it's summer time...
>>>>> anyway if you're in them im going too... :)
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> cs
>>>>> On 11/2/21 15:20, Cristina Klippel Dominicini wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry... the invitation was in CEST and we didn't realize the timezone
>>>>>> change. Jordi opened the VC and explained it.
>>>>>> It's because we're looking forward to the demo :-D
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Cristina
>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>> De:
>>>>>> <> em nome de mc36 <>
>>>>>> Enviado: terÃfÆ'Ã'§a-feira, 2 de novembro de 2021 11:15
>>>>>> Para: Cristina Klippel Dominicini; Magnos Martinello;
>>>>>> FrÃfÆ'Ã'©dÃfÆ'Ã'©ric LOUI;
>>>>>> Cc: Rafael Silva GuimarÃfÆ'Ã'£es; Moises R. N. Ribeiro
>>>>>> Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom
>>>>>> crc32 library in freerouter
>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>> since we moved to the winter time so you'll have to wait an additional
>>>>>> hour... :)
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> cs
>>>>>> On 11/2/21 15:08, Cristina Klippel Dominicini wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> The VC meeting is not opening here... did the timezone change? The
>>>>>>> invitation was for 4PM CEST, which is 11AM in Brazil.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Cristina
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> *De:*
>>>>>>> <> em nome de Cristina Klippel
>>>>>>> Dominicini <>
>>>>>>> *Enviado:* terÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§a-feira, 2 de novembro de 2021 10:55
>>>>>>> *Para:* Magnos Martinello;
>>>>>>> FrÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©dÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©ric LOUI
>>>>>>> *Cc:* ; ; Rafael Silva
>>>>>>> GuimarÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£es; Moises R. N. Ribeiro
>>>>>>> *Assunto:* Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re:
>>>>>>> custom crc32 library in freerouter
>>>>>>> That is great, Frederic! :-D
>>>>>>> Rafael, Moises and I will join the meeting.
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Cristina
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> *De:* Magnos Martinello <>
>>>>>>> *Enviado:* segunda-feira, 1 de novembro de 2021 19:05
>>>>>>> *Para:* FrÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©dÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©ric LOUI
>>>>>>> *Cc:* Cristina Klippel Dominicini; ;
>>>>>>> ; Rafael Silva GuimarÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£es; Moises R. N.
>>>>>>> Ribeiro
>>>>>>> *Assunto:* Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re:
>>>>>>> custom crc32 library in freerouter
>>>>>>> Guys,
>>>>>>> We are very happy with the PolKA integration in the free router.
>>>>>>> Tomorrow I cannot join the meeting tomorrow at 11 AM,ÃfÆ'Ã'âEURs but
>>>>>>> maybe the others will attend the meeting . I am out of Vitoria so if
>>>>>>> you may record the call, that will be great.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> On Mon, 1 Nov 2021 at 18:58,
>>>>>>> FrÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©dÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©ric LOUI
>>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > @Frederic, is tomorrow freeRouter's meeting
>>>>>>> confirmed?
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Of course ! IIRC, we have planned to have Csaba doing a
>>>>>>> RARE/freeRtr Polka demo ÃfÆ'Ã'¢EURÃfâEURsÃ'¦
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' So I strongly advise the UFES gang :) ton join us !
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Le 1 nov. 2021 ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'Ã' 22:30, Cristina Klippel
>>>>>>> Dominicini <
>>>>>>> <>> a ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©crit :
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Hi Csaba,
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Thank you very much for your support. We are very
>>>>>>> happy with the fast progress of the PolKA integration into
>>>>>>> freeRouter. We are now trying to test and exploring your
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' modifications in the freeRouter code to understand how
>>>>>>> to contribute.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > @Frederic, is tomorrow freeRouter's meeting
>>>>>>> confirmed? I think it would be a good opportunity to wrap up our
>>>>>>> current status and next steps.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Regarding the nodeIDs, in the Chinese Remainder
>>>>>>> Theorem, it is sufficient if the nodeID polynomials are pairwise
>>>>>>> relatively prime (Section 17.4 of
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã'
>>>>>>> <>). For simplicity purposes, we use
>>>>>>> irreducible polynomials to assure this condition for any case
>>>>>>> (similar to
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' prime numbers in the integer arithmetic). Please, find
>>>>>>> attached an example table of irreducible polynomials. I refactored
>>>>>>> the code and have just submitted a new commit in the
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' shared repository to include the computation of nodeID
>>>>>>> polynomials with some examples (a random test and also a test using
>>>>>>> the values from the ONDM paper). I added a simple
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' code that tests all the bit possibilities to generate a
>>>>>>> list of n irreducible polynomials of a specific degree (for real
>>>>>>> scenarios, I believe the best approach is to lookup a
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' precomputed list of nodeids). Please let me know if this
>>>>>>> code helps. We still have to produce more mature control plane
>>>>>>> functionalities that explore these basic functions.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Regarding the design choices, the discussions with
>>>>>>> you, Frederic and Jordi, were very helpful to tune our arguments
>>>>>>> about the potential benefits of PolKA:
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > - Tables: In the paper, one argument was that PolKA
>>>>>>> reduces the number of states by not relying on tables. However, I
>>>>>>> agree with you that the use of an almost static table
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' to map the index of the next hops does not discredit the
>>>>>>> original argument. Thus, your suggestion to use BGP/IGP for node
>>>>>>> discovery and reuse the Segment Routing identifiers
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' seems to be a very good solution. We still reduce the
>>>>>>> management burden of maintaining routing tables when compared with
>>>>>>> traditional approaches.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > - Header rewrite: In the paper, one argument was
>>>>>>> that PolKA does not need to rewrite the routeid in the packet in each
>>>>>>> hop. However, I agree with you that we need to rewrite
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' at least a TTL field and ethernet address to prevent
>>>>>>> loops and allow PolKA packets to traverse bridged networks,
>>>>>>> respectively. Thus, I think we shouldn't focus on this argument.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > - Fixed header size: In the paper, we briefly show
>>>>>>> that PolKA's pipeline is simpler to implement when compared to a list
>>>>>>> based approach, because it does not need to operate
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' over variable headers. As you said, this can be a strong
>>>>>>> benefit considering the current hardware limitations in the maximum
>>>>>>> number of hops for var header operations, as used
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' in segment routing.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > From your previous email:
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >>> some more progess here, as you're carrying
>>>>>>> ethertype within polka header, i added some mpls over polka test
>>>>>>> cases... so one can tunnel mpls vpns (both layer2 and layer3)
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' through a polka domain...
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã'
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Nice! We used the Ethernet header as a Proof of
>>>>>>> Concept, but we could encapsulate the PolKA header in other protocols
>>>>>>> if you think it is more adequate.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Cristina
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > ________________________________________
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > De: mc36 < <>>
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Enviado: sÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡bado, 30 de outubro de
>>>>>>> 2021 06:24
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Para:
>>>>>>> <>;
>>>>>>> FrÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©dÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©ric LOUI
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Cc: Cristina Klippel Dominicini; Rafael Silva
>>>>>>> GuimarÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£es; Moises R. N. Ribeiro; Magnos Martinello
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching
>>>>>>> rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >>
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >> So basically Polka should be live and kicking in
>>>>>>> P4 LAB using RARE/freeRtr ?
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >>
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >> PS: Please let me know if you need P4 dataplane
>>>>>>> and to be upgraded.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >>
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > so yeahhh, the freerouter upgrade does not carry
>>>>>>> (at the moment:) the tofino.bin....
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > so well the lab need a fresh bfrouter and
>>>>>>> bfforwarder... also, some features needed
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > to be taken out here because we ran out of
>>>>>>> stages... at my case it was multicast,
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > as it's a core (P) router here so no need for raw
>>>>>>> ip multicast, bier is enough 4 me...
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > attaching the constants table used to configure my
>>>>>>> stordis...
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > regards,
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > cs
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > ________________________________
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Esta mensagem (incluindo anexos)
>>>>>>> contÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©m
>>>>>>> informaÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o confidencial destinada
>>>>>>> a um usuÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡rio especÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'­fico e seu
>>>>>>> conteÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'ºdo ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'© protegido por lei. Se
>>>>>>> vocÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'ª nÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'© o
>>>>>>> destinatÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡rio correto
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' deve apagar esta mensagem.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' >
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > O emitente desta mensagem ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©
>>>>>>> responsÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡vel por seu conteÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'ºdo e
>>>>>>> endereÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§amento.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > Cabe ao destinatÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡rio cuidar
>>>>>>> quanto ao tratamento adequado. A
>>>>>>> divulgaÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o,
>>>>>>> reproduÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o e/ou
>>>>>>> distribuiÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o sem a devida
>>>>>>> autorizaÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o ou qualquer outra
>>>>>>> aÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o sem conformidade com as
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' normas internas do Ifes sÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o proibidas
>>>>>>> e passÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'­veis de
>>>>>>> sanÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o disciplinar,
>>>>>>> cÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'­vel e criminal.
>>>>>>> Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' Ã' > <poly.pdf>
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Magnos Martinello
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Esta mensagem (incluindo anexos) contÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©m
>>>>>>> informaÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o confidencial destinada
>>>>>>> a um usuÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡rio especÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'­fico e seu
>>>>>>> conteÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'ºdo ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'© protegido por lei. Se
>>>>>>> vocÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'ª nÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'© o
>>>>>>> destinatÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡rio correto deve
>>>>>>> apagar esta mensagem.
>>>>>>> O emitente desta mensagem ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©
>>>>>>> responsÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡vel por seu conteÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'ºdo e
>>>>>>> endereÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§amento.
>>>>>>> Cabe ao destinatÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡rio cuidar quanto ao tratamento
>>>>>>> adequado. A divulgaÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o,
>>>>>>> reproduÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o e/ou
>>>>>>> distribuiÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o sem a devida
>>>>>>> autorizaÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o ou qualquer outra
>>>>>>> aÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o sem conformidade com as
>>>>>>> normas
>>>>>>> internas do Ifes sÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o proibidas e
>>>>>>> passÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'­veis de
>>>>>>> sanÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o disciplinar,
>>>>>>> cÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'­vel e criminal.
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Esta mensagem (incluindo anexos) contÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©m
>>>>>>> informaÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o confidencial destinada
>>>>>>> a um usuÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡rio especÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'­fico e seu
>>>>>>> conteÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'ºdo ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'© protegido por lei. Se
>>>>>>> vocÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'ª nÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'© o
>>>>>>> destinatÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡rio correto deve
>>>>>>> apagar esta mensagem.
>>>>>>> O emitente desta mensagem ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'©
>>>>>>> responsÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡vel por seu conteÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'ºdo e
>>>>>>> endereÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§amento.
>>>>>>> Cabe ao destinatÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'¡rio cuidar quanto ao tratamento
>>>>>>> adequado. A divulgaÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o,
>>>>>>> reproduÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o e/ou
>>>>>>> distribuiÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o sem a devida
>>>>>>> autorizaÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o ou qualquer outra
>>>>>>> aÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o sem conformidade com as
>>>>>>> normas
>>>>>>> internas do Ifes sÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o proibidas e
>>>>>>> passÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'­veis de
>>>>>>> sanÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'§ÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'£o disciplinar,
>>>>>>> cÃfÆ'Ã'Æ'ÃfâEURsÃ'­vel e criminal.
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> Esta mensagem (incluindo anexos) contÃfÆ'Ã'©m
>>>>>> informaÃfÆ'Ã'§ÃfÆ'Ã'£o confidencial destinada a um usuÃfÆ'Ã'¡rio
>>>>>> especÃfÆ'Ã'­fico e seu conteÃfÆ'Ã'ºdo ÃfÆ'Ã'© protegido por lei. Se
>>>>>> vocÃfÆ'Ã'ª nÃfÆ'Ã'£o ÃfÆ'Ã'© o destinatÃfÆ'Ã'¡rio correto deve
>>>>>> apagar esta mensagem.
>>>>>> O emitente desta mensagem ÃfÆ'Ã'© responsÃfÆ'Ã'¡vel por seu
>>>>>> conteÃfÆ'Ã'ºdo e endereÃfÆ'Ã'§amento.
>>>>>> Cabe ao destinatÃfÆ'Ã'¡rio cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. A
>>>>>> divulgaÃfÆ'Ã'§ÃfÆ'Ã'£o, reproduÃfÆ'Ã'§ÃfÆ'Ã'£o e/ou
>>>>>> distribuiÃfÆ'Ã'§ÃfÆ'Ã'£o sem a devida autorizaÃfÆ'Ã'§ÃfÆ'Ã'£o ou
>>>>>> qualquer outra aÃfÆ'Ã'§ÃfÆ'Ã'£o sem conformidade com as normas
>>>>>> internas do Ifes sÃfÆ'Ã'£o proibidas e passÃfÆ'Ã'­veis de
>>>>>> sanÃfÆ'Ã'§ÃfÆ'Ã'£o disciplinar, cÃfÆ'Ã'­vel e criminal.
>>> ________________________________
>>> Esta mensagem (incluindo anexos) contém informação confidencial
>>> destinada a um usuário específico e seu conteúdo é protegido por lei.
>>> Se você não é o destinatário correto deve apagar esta mensagem.
>>> O emitente desta mensagem é responsável por seu conteúdo e
>>> endereçamento.
>>> Cabe ao destinatário cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. A
>>> divulgação, reprodução e/ou distribuição sem a devida autorização
>>> ou qualquer outra ação sem conformidade com as normas internas do Ifes
>>> são proibidas e passíveis de sanção disciplinar, cível e criminal.
>> ________________________________
>> Esta mensagem (incluindo anexos) contém informação confidencial destinada
>> a um usuário específico e seu conteúdo é protegido por lei. Se você não é
>> o destinatário correto deve apagar esta mensagem.
>> O emitente desta mensagem é responsável por seu conteúdo e endereçamento.
>> Cabe ao destinatário cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. A divulgação,
>> reprodução e/ou distribuição sem a devida autorização ou qualquer outra
>> ação sem conformidade com as normas internas do Ifes são proibidas e
>> passíveis de sanção disciplinar, cível e criminal.


Esta mensagem (incluindo anexos) contém informação confidencial destinada a
um usuário específico e seu conteúdo é protegido por lei. Se você não é o
destinatário correto deve apagar esta mensagem.

O emitente desta mensagem é responsável por seu conteúdo e endereçamento.
Cabe ao destinatário cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. A divulgação,
reprodução e/ou distribuição sem a devida autorização ou qualquer outra ação
sem conformidade com as normas internas do Ifes são proibidas e passíveis de
sanção disciplinar, cível e criminal.

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