Subject: An open discussion list for topics related to the geteduroam service
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Re: default/other languages instead of device language in new geteduroam android
Chronological Thread
- From: ALBRIZIO DANIELE <albrizio AT>
- To: "paul.dekkers AT" <paul.dekkers AT>
- Cc: "geteduroam AT" <geteduroam AT>
- Subject: Re: default/other languages instead of device language in new geteduroam android
- Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2024 14:30:10 +0000
- Accept-language: it-IT, en-US
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The discovery is still not multi-lingual, we're working on that. The issue is in part with performance, and meanwhile we stick to the "default" language.
For privacy considerations the processing of the discovery is entirely done on the client.
The question is, should we send all languages to the client (increasing the discovery file size!) and have the client decide on the order; that means, if my language preference is NL-DE-EN [...]
We have very poor performing Android phones in the community, think about African countries, and those need to keep up and process this information also. The current discovery is already a bit slow for some.
Either way, this behaviour has not changed in the past years.
In your case, it's different BTW from ours in the Netherlands, as we have no NL translation in CAT. That means we're assuming in the geteduroam discovery that default = NL.
Let me know if you have feedback to the logic, that's always welcome.
On 05/01/2024 12:53, ALBRIZIO DANIELE (via geteduroam Mailing List) wrote:
de49d99e634d215e26f27e95eed1558769b73cc1.camel AT" style="">Using geteduroam android beta 2.0(516) 2/1/2024 on Samsung Galaxy A71 Android 13 - ITALIANO
When searching for Trieste I get "University of Trieste - Italy" instead of "Università degli Studi di Trieste"
If I search for "Università degli Studi di Trieste" I get no results.
CAT configuration for this institution is :Paese: ItaliaNome Organizzazione default/altre lingue: University of Trieste - ItalyNome Organizzazione English(GB): University of TriesteNome Organizzazione Italiano: Università degli Studi di Trieste
My expected behaviour would be either:1. My device is set up in Italian I expect results in Italian2. I get results in all languages
Could you confirm this behaviour?

Università degli Studi di Trieste | University of Trieste
Via Alfonso Valerio 12 - 34127 Trieste (Italy)
daniele.albrizio AT
Tel. | Ph. +39 040 558 3319
Tel. | Ph. +39 040 558 3331
- default/other languages instead of device language in new geteduroam android, ALBRIZIO DANIELE, 01/05/2024
- Re: default/other languages instead of device language in new geteduroam android, Paul Dekkers, 01/05/2024
- Re: default/other languages instead of device language in new geteduroam android, ALBRIZIO DANIELE, 01/05/2024
- Re: default/other languages instead of device language in new geteduroam android, Paul Dekkers, 01/05/2024
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