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Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Saudi Arabia / Maeen Identity Federation for eduGAIN membership
Chronological Thread
- From: "Naser A. Almesad" <nalmesad AT>
- To: Terry Smith <t.smith AT>
- Cc: edugain-discuss AT, brook schofield <brook.schofield AT>, "Mohamad M. Al-Ghamdi" <malghamdi AT>
- Subject: Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Saudi Arabia / Maeen Identity Federation for eduGAIN membership
- Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 10:45:14 +0300 (AST)
From: "Terry Smith" <t.smith AT>
To: edugain-discuss AT
Cc: "brook schofield" <brook.schofield AT>, "Mohamad M. Al-Ghamdi" <malghamdi AT>, "nalmesad" <nalmesad AT>
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 8:35:59 AM
Subject: Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Saudi Arabia / Maeen Identity Federation for eduGAIN membership
All,I’m pleased to conclude this thread by reporting that Saudi Arabia / Maeen Identity Federation is the 68th member of eduGAIN.As soon as an acceptable metadata feed is made available the OT will verify this and they’ll also be a participant.Thanks,Terry.Terry Smith | Technical Engagement and Support Manager | Australian Access Federation LtdWeb: | Support: | Twitter: Level 21 179 Turbot Street | Brisbane QLD 4000 | Australia
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 12:39 AM Brook Schofield <brook.schofield AT> wrote:All,
I present to you the application of Saudi Arabia / Maeen Identity Federation who has signed the eduGAIN Declaration, has a policy based on the policy template, is self declaring their federation as a production service and is wanting to join the global R&E federated environment.
You can find more detailed information about the federation under "eduGAIN Candidates” at:
which contains links to their policy and MRPS.
This application is from an organisation that is closely aligned with the GÉANT community via their participation in the ASREN community.So I ask the following federations to specifically review the submission by Maeen:* Singapore / SGAF* Slovenia / ARNES-AAI* South Africa/SAFIRE* Spain / SIR* Sweden / SWAMIDAll eduGAIN members can (and should) provide feedback on this but to share the burden of review around, these five (5) federations have a specific responsibility.
If you have any questions please contact the Maeen Identity Federation team that are subscribed to this mailing list as well as CC’d to this message.
Formal components of the membership process will be via the eduGAIN Steering Group mailing list.-BrookBrook Schofield
eduGAIN Steering Group Chair
GÉANTM: +31651553991
Skype: brookschofield
تحذير: هذه الرسالة وما تحويه من مرفقات (إن وجدت) تمثل وثيقة سرية قد تحتوي على معلومات محمية بموجب القانون. إذا لم تكن الشخص المعني بهذه الرسالة فيجب عليك تنبيه المُرسل بخطأ وصولها إليك، وحذف الرسالة ومرفقاتها (إن وجدت)، ولا يجوز لك نسخ أو توزيع هذه الرسالة أو مرفقاتها (إن وجدت) أو أي جزء منها، أو البوح بمحتوياتها للغير أو استعمالها لأي غرض. علماً بأن فحوى هذه الرسالة ومرفقاتها (ان وجدت) تعبر عن رأي المُرسل وليس بالضرورة رأي مدينة الملك عبدالعزيز للعلوم والتقنية بالمملكة العربية السعودية، ولا تتحمل المدينة أي مسئولية عن الأضرار الناتجة عن ما قد يحتويه هذا البريد.
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- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Saudi Arabia / Maeen Identity Federation for eduGAIN membership, Terry Smith, 02-Jul-2019
- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Saudi Arabia / Maeen Identity Federation for eduGAIN membership, Tomasz Wolniewicz, 02-Jul-2019
- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Saudi Arabia / Maeen Identity Federation for eduGAIN membership, Naser A. Almesad, 07/02/2019
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