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Subject: An open discussion list for topics related to the eduGAIN interfederation service.
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- From: Василий Порхачёв <porhachev AT>
- To: "'Brook Schofield'" <brook.schofield AT>, <edugain-discuss AT>
- Cc: "'gaoyan'" <gaoyan AT>, "'CHEN PING'" <pchen AT>
- Subject: RE: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CARSI for eduGAIN membership
- Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 16:55:59 +0300
Dear all,
We had looked through the CARSI documents and metadata. Some notes: CARSI: CERNET (China Education and Research NETwork) Authentication and Resource Sharing Infrastructure Identity Federation Policy · The name of the Federation uses term “Resource Sharing”. But there’s no definition of it in sec. 1. We think it should be defined.
CARSI Identity Federation Metadata Registration Practice Statement · “5.2 https-scheme URIs are RECOMMENDED to all members.” – shouldn’t we insist on https schema? · There’s 4) Metadata Format – but not a single line with mdrpi:RegistrationPolicy in the metadata CARSI Attribute Profile · We remember the discussion on attribute eduPersonAffiliation and there was a decision of SG to eliminate some values from the CARSI list CARSI Service Provider Management Standard · “3g [Metadata Accuracy] The Service Provider Organization MUST provide accurate metadata to CARSI Identity Federation, and agrees to notify CARSI Federation as soon as possible when the metadata changes.” KR Vasiliy Porhachev, Ilya Vasilyev
From: edugain-discuss-request AT [mailto:edugain-discuss-request AT] On Behalf Of Brook Schofield
Directly available from:
So I ask the following federations to specifically review the submission by CARSI: * Norway / FEIDE * Oman / KID * Poland / PIONIER.Id * Portugal / RCTSaai * Russia / RUNNet AAI All eduGAIN members can (and should) provide feedback on this but to share the burden of review around, these five (5) federations have a specific responsibility.
Brook Schofield M: +31651553991
- [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CARSI for eduGAIN membership, Brook Schofield, 13-Mar-2019
- RE: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CARSI for eduGAIN membership, Василий Порхачёв, 03/15/2019
- [eduGAIN-discuss] 答复: Assessment of China / CARSI for eduGAIN membership, Ping CHEN, 19-Mar-2019
- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CARSI for eduGAIN membership, Esmeralda Pires, 18-Mar-2019
- [eduGAIN-discuss] 答复: Assessment of China / CARSI for eduGAIN membership, Ping CHEN, 19-Mar-2019
- RE: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CARSI for eduGAIN membership, Khamis Juma Salim Al Raisi, 25-Mar-2019
- RE: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CARSI for eduGAIN membership, Василий Порхачёв, 03/15/2019
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