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Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)
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Re: [[cat-users]] eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool for Windows ARM
- From: Lukas Wringer <Lukas.Wringer AT>
- To: cat-users AT
- Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool for Windows ARM
- Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:48:20 +0100
just a handy tip - as for whatever reason Microsoft does not offer a
user accessible way to edit a wifi conection you are not connected to
But GÉNTLink to the rescue!
Part of the good old GÉANTLink supplicant is the WLANManager tool ( can
still be downloaded seperately in Version 1.3f: ) - this tiny
exe can bring up the normal Windows edit connection window where you
can change the settings and for your case most importantly save the
user credentials manually.
Docs on how to use it are here:
(If you are still using an installer that configures eduroam with the ®
symbol you may need to add an asterisk to the profile name to catch
The Windows native EAP credential system and ui dioalogs are a bit
buggy and with this tool we can work around most issues - at least if
the network is not configured via the new settings app, that thing is
just completely borked...
Greetings from Augburg,
Lukas Wringer
Am Dienstag, dem 07.01.2025 um 19:19 +0100 schrieb Tomasz Wolniewicz:
> Hi,
> We do support the ARM processor and the error appears to confirm
> that, however there is something wrong with the installation of user
> credentials.
> There is a good chance that the eduroam network profile did get
> installed, but installing user credentials failed. In such a case, on
> first connection to eduroam Windows should display a credentials
> prompt
> and then just save it. eduroam would just work from then on.
> If the user was willing to help us to understand the problem, then
> the
> installer could be run in the debug mode. From the command line just
> run
> the installer adding -DEBUG=4 this will create a log file thi the
> Documents directory (it will also leave the credentials file in
> temporary directory, this file will contain the user's password in
> plain
> text so it should be deleted after inspection). I would suggest a
> test
> of running the installer and putting in some simple fake password.
> There
> is some possibility that a password with some special characters
> could
> cause the problem, if installation with a simple password worked, we
> would know where the problem comes from.
> Yours
> Tomasz Wolniewicz
> W dniu 7.01.2025 o 14:52, "Doan Thi, Huong Giang" (via cat-users
> Mailing
> List) pisze:
> >
> > Dear Sir or Madam,
> >
> > My name is Huong Giang Doan Thi and I’m an employee of Freie
> > Universtität Berlin. Recently, we received an incident where a user
> > of
> > our institution couldn’t get access to eduroam. She installed the
> > tool
> > and then tried to register with her user data, only to receive an
> > error. The attachment contains the error message. Troubleshooting
> > revealed she’s using a Surface Pro 11 running Windows 11 on an
> > ARM-based Snapdragon X1P64100 processor.
> >
> > Do you know, if there is a configuration assistant tool planned for
> > Windows ARM version?
> >
> > Yours faithfully,
> >
> > Huong Giang Doan Thi
> >
> > _____________________________________________________
> >
> > Huong Giang Doan Thi
> > Freie Universität Berlin
> > Zentraleinrichtung FUB-IT
> > Abteilung Infrastruktur
> > Netzwerk und Kommunikation
> >
> > Fabeckstraße 32, 14195 Berlin
> > Raum: 205
> > Telefon: +49 30 838 65544
> > E-Mail: huong-giang.doan-thi AT
> > <mailto:huong-giang.doan-thi AT>
> > Webex:
> > <>
> > Internet: <>
> >
> --
> Tomasz Wolniewicz
Lukas Wringer
Universität Augsburg
Service & Support
86135 Augsburg
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
[[cat-users]] eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool for Windows ARM,
Doan Thi, Huong Giang, 01/07/2025
Re: [[cat-users]] eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool for Windows ARM,
Tomasz Wolniewicz, 01/07/2025
- Re: [[cat-users]] eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool for Windows ARM, Lukas Wringer, 01/07/2025
AW: [[cat-users]] eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool for Windows ARM,
Doan Thi, Huong Giang, 01/09/2025
- Re: [[cat-users]] eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool for Windows ARM, Tomasz Wolniewicz, 01/09/2025
- Re: [[cat-users]] eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool for Windows ARM, Jørn Åne de Jong, 01/07/2025
Re: [[cat-users]] eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool for Windows ARM,
Tomasz Wolniewicz, 01/07/2025
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