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cat-users - Re: [[cat-users]] testing beta version of geteduroam for Android 11

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Re: [[cat-users]] testing beta version of geteduroam for Android 11

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Lukas Wringer <Lukas.Wringer AT>
  • To: Paul Dekkers <paul.dekkers AT>, cat-users AT
  • Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] testing beta version of geteduroam for Android 11
  • Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2021 17:39:39 +0200
  • Organization: Universitaet Augsburg


somehow this mail slipped through my attention...

First: can the MIME-Type fix be backported for Andorid 10? As there are devices around that do not work with the traditional CAT App?

I considder a bug that is silently replacing all (not by hand configured) default apps with itself rather malicious. On my OnePlus 6 even WhatsApp calls from my adress book are now automatically redirected to geteduroam.

Second: The new drawbacks leave me a bit puzzled - wasn't it the reason for using geteduroam in the first place to support Android 11?

If I remmeber correctly we had used it on an Android 11 test device before this update...

Greetings, Lukas

Am 02.06.21 um 16:22 schrieb Paul Dekkers:
Hi cat-users,

We have a new build of geteduroam for Android available for beta testing, and welcome feedback (positive and negative) before releasing it as production. Only Android 11 will receive this update to version 1.0.20, older versions will stick to 1.0.16.

You can join the beta channels via: from Android, or from the web

If prefer an APK, this APK works only (!) for Android 11:

The new version will configure the network in a different way compared to the previous 1.0.16 version, via “Suggestions”, which is the API for Android 11.

This has some drawbacks; not our choice, but mandatory for App updates that target Android 11. Your network may appear unconfigured at first (and you can even still configure it manually), but it will connect as soon as there are no other user-networks to connect to. It will not manage your (existing) user created network; if you have an existing eduroam configuration your device will use that until you remove it. If you remove the App, you remove the App-managed networks.

Improved in this App:
- You will receive a notification about pseudo-account expiration 5 days ahead of time
- Mime type correction, app will not be suggested for other downloads
- French translation
- Various bugfixes (also related to the earlier Suggestions support)

While we’re at it, we could also use testers for the Windows geteduroam App, that works for regular CAT profiles too. This is at


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Lukas Wringer

Universität Augsburg
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86135 Augsburg

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Telefon 0821/598-2222
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Lukas.Wringer AT

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  • Re: [[cat-users]] testing beta version of geteduroam for Android 11, Lukas Wringer, 07/02/2021

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