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cat-users - Re: [[cat-users]] Fwd: eduroam CAT tool bug

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Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)

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Re: [[cat-users]] Fwd: eduroam CAT tool bug

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Dennis Tants <tants AT>
  • To: cat-users AT
  • Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] Fwd: eduroam CAT tool bug
  • Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 11:09:35 +0100
  • Autocrypt: addr=tants AT; keydata= mQINBFtMrZoBEACqK9RDBkS/TacW2Q8K8j8T3/VQ+7B30TVQhv1DLFgXIyV1fJ0qtWfI3muf JNwTOXimrx3dtsc1+4CSoQhKD++zhILgXt2H7h02cvbCbroqT0Ukzutsvn3W0SHyjmrzvKt3 Y5gueO21YToA/mkLcXLvcdSevADFv19HD54zXj+lVdGIbYr4wmmct/drrI+2S8UUHTcWM5/R iJEmycchZK60s+eZ7B7Hjcv3p4UdtudF1gn3T7F/oILD1DPbT91wNdrC2EMPrj0CYouAuzXf 8B1EYTtXx8cyc26e6cAGUqYxKggojzbY78zQRL80rSHu0Jr3UjRYcJYdF0mvficFOC6M2MA2 xsFJZJS1gt4RzXTpqg3JkQXtNlqFLWioIDHi/Vt3CyiB4p5XejBWn0lQamywhFkXK7EmnA5C qfeBNaw/IfJCJtucMMLS954bTppTtkKvojG7qHd2FRaCT29OdLqBrS6ZmZKYg/MCZZ+W4NvJ gFjMNlnHE2yyP3pi6yTtozGZeviZ+lXnFg8eIDT2P4lh3hWKaMlKEuyeJjZ4t6pbC5MP5P9o cCEL2IKYfVkPwpCS3QA4drZWh5L3O1RWPGPoy/KWdOAG6mpz0PUgD6wN2YccbJx2gmi9nIxV K7VLhS/RwL8e/2DMzZr6+n0ZTTr5eZr87gqbqeqIFdl9D25CtQARAQABtCJEZW5uaXMgVGFu dHMgPHRhbnRzQHVuaS1icmVtZW4uZGU+iQJUBBMBCAA+FiEEOyrbIAls4Mfwk0vdFUkux8CY 7SoFAltMrZoCGyMFCQPCZwAFCwkIBwIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQFUkux8CY7Sqp ag/+N8G1dvQ7sX7q5a3kc1OFhPurWetovHZ3hKACwBlFELYR+tASWvCXvaZcSxiSXbkkqmHh DhtViEgrgABET/6vc9VN2vQ0awVNfdk2aXv+x8/6OmOwgyc2UZM6uBmw3+wYGfz/tPbpc1tZ yMbNAWJ7tAQ5rw0IsMvtHMk/JzMsUaCkaMti5kX4twMiLYlUH+NHcQbcOLkVzYmO4xrlSMOz 265m1CDC+0bvg7Un9hTEuMTfhgl//Fcnas42swEIf6KaVyG+itOWxDTaGsFHJY52+5zYxGwO drvVeqQC/hCle2t7wxsPg0GxFffPg/3stkyh+wjNrXAgnLUpOJbK2d1hpX9nEBa0ecsZzmZu 48sjHURhPXiBy3cinqbarVW6E1Hc8F2ee3W9cT5XV0c4mnSv5kZnXQj8lPx0FB7YQf3ysZPu gGk2VfhONeoMh1pgWlhRc1wZcaUCUhwJkTLyDJ3i8haJr/sq4vQu2RVSApwYBx2YdTAzZfIt 5cjF7pbAhUG07SmW9B9VLkvA21MBTlz2MjjGWjp+NV07fu1Mgdu9o8cxr0BWtjql6HToA/Kj 5d7bFlyUpFFY3VIhkWBWYVGluIGW8ttOHXbEm37QgqxFjppuxKILLLx1It3vKYW9pQUmIi2w XF5lNK1U9Dq4Lbn5XVL3gnDT7wTcSS4jXBHwsga5Ag0EW0ytmgEQALCBJXTq7xvh54ioke5Q jjocucbdMaOPCucLt6WUBrjXG+ZY/TIouncQlVNUUbCpXOtao9JfKEQto8pysgn4EG2MObcn JUhh9wzfNw4zML2NgJr3gUJeKPasztd8MOXLbO998qW2e/7q6UWbn+DO+sI4xNK7a2FwUo0d QCgKfB0wHsoHI7EKIEt9unqebfNor9XUSKPhWyB1s6mlb3Z4x70KMheOVTZ4hnHTI6bHkrXc rCSP4IlWCYi22w2cOJNNhVmOcw7/T/sGQCjLYzxLNSRUJjmEHKM8ylOYau4RSD+0sMt+/P0E yEiVwAybZZP605aJvRRqk+s3D4Qyed85KWZibQhH3zaHe2ti07w6b2RdSrCMrwo9amunJrrZ cuP8XHU3WDH2oqvELyq1brOiWvivm9j8WKf+Bp+2cMyJdn1IwNRh4w5UFsIpvHI+wU17cIYF n3RVMXG7K8pqF2R3fnJ4LiNa2quyIxQx2pTsp+JTkLnBW1TixjyVl7lOV6+wJCwr4cdaQomE jxHKBmj4bzVwdtk8QRW/4I2c6M0V93r/jKG/qbFvjjJhq+K7HF4pBno7mHMtUegZVg3kwd69 oLu/b6SawEx92yIMNHIOrp9La33vR4ZHaxP+C+jG98nYJQCKwszU1f07U9XvI45Q8M8uW2jU qYg1R2wnBQktZ+VpABEBAAGJAjwEGAEIACYWIQQ7KtsgCWzgx/CTS90VSS7HwJjtKgUCW0yt mgIbDAUJA8JnAAAKCRAVSS7HwJjtKjNhD/9+pnSNGYMg74atCeKH0I3HdLt/VNttAi5DbFll /sqz7JUDkG2CubxpruLcpK34hNmvyzSSQZeCXgCDOUMLnYpcAXuPCK/nxVi+if52y+dEVQAx GgDavP2lhIqp6ub4xQWVPHjhowikA8KXnZIpTAvIWHm3rFTJ3m93gcMznVLATUmXXWAoInDU iHyPVsKBSJs7m3dwIn8EM6bbEngNNJTugm6ejjBRMtPfSL744cUH4Izn3wOZswUVhspCmJJJ r9Q6xNK0lFloUiH9Vd/SwuIXs/P9CvqRxZOvzN5ZvifLJ6x9f37Jpiy29QhEgkWqLBGPPJNF btdNuR6xOnIHnTbEj8kgX5n+g06GJ4CloRm1TGZ6/p/QjhQyZDlA3OoBunZfimgYl1b81CX2 AOQbguZ2bSW3hENydKLr0JrgF9Nw6vbxAluLMAhESEnVfO1cr1GMU/00Tw166uoIPZ1SI7KJ LvAyRRwX8UbaCJEqe/7pb1qK+l+qCfsZ+EETSggBt95kba9ACbVbOHU/cHR3xg2agbmgDZ7H gKcLofzcxbRuST0kCpnZx5GD2l4i7FauitmL5R1NwdZy9sAVMnzDbUnYVA3DbX0jlestmb5C 6I3evc8fnQRb0ZrR0Mc8+XXbQtNa35C48LP7o2Z+MdKbqlTzWKACVkvVDMpQwYvvrNdFlg==

Hello Robert,

yes our linux manual is somewhat outdated :(
Let me see if I can reproduce the error on my system. Will report later.

But I can assure you, that we had this problem multiple times already. I
mostly remember Linux Mint (around version 18) and Ubuntu (version
16-18) with this problem, thats why I/we came up with the solution of
manually editing the file to match the system user.

But anyway, thank you very much for your time. Will see if I can
reproduce the error.

Best regards,

On 03/03/2020 10:58, Robert Grätz wrote:
> Hello Dennis,
> I checked your manual for eduroam for linux [1]. Is it possible that
> this is deprecated? Your description is for a shell script, but at CAT
> you get a python file for your institution.
> You should call your script with:
> python3 eduroam-linux-Universitat_Bremen-eduroam_ AT
> If you need root rights with this call please tell me the  linux
> distro and the version. Then I could hopefully reply it.
> Best regards
> Robert
> [1]:
> Am 03.03.20 um 10:07 schrieb Dennis Tants:
>> Hello,
>> I either couldn't write the file at all, or it was not working as
>> expected. I run the script either via "./" (don't know
>> the exact name right now) or via "python".
>> Best regards,
>> Dennis
>> On 03/03/2020 10:01, Robert Grätz wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I couldn't comprehend why you need root rights to run the script. I
>>> tested it with very much linux distros and no root permissions were
>>> necessary.
>>> How did you call the script?
>>> Best regards
>>> Robert
>>> Am 03.03.20 um 09:38 schrieb Dennis Tants:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> we had the same problem on different linux systems.
>>>> For us the problem was, that the CAT Tool can't write the file to
>>>> "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections" without root permissions.
>>>> So we
>>>> had to use sudo to be able to atleast write the file. Afterwards we
>>>> would just edit the corresponding permission line, to match the system
>>>> user. Reboot the system (just to be sure) and eduroam could be used.
>>>> Yours sincerely,
>>>> Dennis Tants
>>>> On 03/03/2020 09:16, Robert Grätz wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> the scripts works. But you shouldn't run the script with sudo
>>>>> permission!
>>>>> The script write the current user to the permission attribute
>>>>> (permission=user:$USER). So if he run the script with sudo, the
>>>>> current
>>>>> user is root and the script save permission=user:root.
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Robert
>>>>> Am 02.03.20 um 19:08 schrieb Bernd Hanitzsch:
>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>> I did help someone to get the eduroam running under Linux (current
>>>>>> ubuntu 18.04.). He did download the CAT for Uni Heidelberg and
>>>>>> did the
>>>>>> documented install:
>>>>>> 1. $ sudo ./
>>>>>> -> entered all needed details correctly
>>>>>> 2. Then he tried to connect to eduroam. When selecting it in
>>>>>> Networkmanager, he was asked again for credentials and answered them
>>>>>> correctly. Networkmanager tried to connect and repeated question for
>>>>>> password a few times but was not able to connect...
>>>>>> 3. Repeated the install and tried a few other things, nothing lead
>>>>>> to a
>>>>>> solution!!!
>>>>>> 4. Deep investigation did show up following:
>>>>>> root@lx:/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections# ls -al
>>>>>> insgesamt 32
>>>>>> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mär  1 13:25  ./
>>>>>> drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Dez 27 20:04  ../
>>>>>> -rw------- 1 root root  563 Mär  1 13:10  eduroam
>>>>>> -rw------- 1 root root  408 Mär  1 13:25 'eduroam 1'
>>>>>> -rw------- 1 root root  417 Jan 23 20:01  xyz
>>>>>> -rw------- 1 root root  316 Jan  5 14:47 abc
>>>>>> -> Above we are in the place where all the system connections from
>>>>>> NetworkManager are stored. Interestingly we see a second eduroam
>>>>>> config
>>>>>> ("eduroam 1"). This is the one which was created from
>>>>>> NetworkManager in
>>>>>> step 2 as described above and this is the problem! It should have
>>>>>> used
>>>>>> the one created by CAT (just "eduroam"). But id did not. As to see
>>>>>> below, there is a permission line ("permissions=user:root:;") in it,
>>>>>> which is just wrong in this case!!! Either it shall be the proper
>>>>>> user
>>>>>> instead root, or just be left empty after the equal sign!!!
>>>>>>    root@lx:/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections# diff eduroam
>>>>>> eduroam\ 1
>>>>>> 2,3c2,3
>>>>>> < id=eduroam
>>>>>> < uuid=66ccefa4-4211-4bb1-9e18-1b428a219214
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> id=eduroam 1
>>>>>>> uuid=5d62fafa-a648-452b-a96e-0feab7c1a727
>>>>>> 5c5
>>>>>> < permissions=user:root:;
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> permissions=
>>>>>> 7a8
>>>>>>> mac-address=aa:bb:cc:...
>>>>>> 8a10
>>>>>>> mode=infrastructure
>>>>>> 12d13
>>>>>> < group=ccmp;tkip;
>>>>>> 14,15d14
>>>>>> < pairwise=ccmp;
>>>>>> < proto=rsn;
>>>>>> 18,20d16
>>>>>>    ...
>>>>>> To clean it up and get it working:
>>>>>> 1. $ sudo rm "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/eduroam 1"
>>>>>> 2. $ sudo vi "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/eduroam"
>>>>>> -> and modify the "permissions=user:root:;" to "permissions="
>>>>>> 3. $ sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
>>>>>> And now it shall be working just with any additional steps needed! I
>>>>>> would strongly suggest, that someone shall correct the CAT
>>>>>> ( If you
>>>>>> need
>>>>>> help, just contact me.
>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>> Bernd Hanitzsch
>>>>>> Oerties GmbH
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