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Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)
List archive
- From: Peter Steadman <psteadman AT>
- To: cat-users AT
- Subject: [[cat-users]] Warwickshire College Shibboleth login no longer working
- Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 15:34:15 +0100
- Authentication-results: (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (2048-bit key)
I have tried to login to manage our CAT setup today and our server returned this message
"The application you have accessed is not registered for use with this service."
error logs on our shibboleth server return "no metadata returned"
Has anything changed that we should be aware of?
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- [[cat-users]] Warwickshire College Shibboleth login no longer working, Peter Steadman, 09/20/2017
- Re: [[cat-users]] Warwickshire College Shibboleth login no longer working (Ref:IN:00223030), Jon Agland, 09/20/2017
- Re: [[cat-users]] Warwickshire College Shibboleth login no longer working (Ref:IN:00223030), Miroslav Milinovic, 09/21/2017
- Re: [[cat-users]] Warwickshire College Shibboleth login no longer working (Ref:IN:00223030), Jon Agland, 09/20/2017
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