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rare-dev - Re: [rare-dev] Plugfest: BGP CT Interop - Remote participation Hackathon - IETF 115

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Re: [rare-dev] Plugfest: BGP CT Interop - Remote participation Hackathon - IETF 115

Chronological Thread 
  • From: mc36 <>
  • To: Kaliraj Vairavakkalai <>, Natrajan Venkataraman <>, Reshma Das <>
  • Cc: "" <>
  • Subject: Re: [rare-dev] Plugfest: BGP CT Interop - Remote participation Hackathon - IETF 115
  • Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 06:54:57 +0100


On 11/9/22 19:06, Kaliraj Vairavakkalai wrote:
We re glad Csaba.

Btw, we look forward to the next demo (that hopefully you can participate
in), after

you implement colorful resolution also. :-)

it's on the list

We uploaded and shared the configurations we used in the below github link so
that you

can take forward that work.

i found (and starred) it already, niceee! well done! :)

Please let us know if any questions.

Also, I think we can open issues for the bugs/behaviors we noticed in this
github repo

itself, so we can track them and bring to closure. Natz can open the issues.

sounds cool... please do so! or even better, if you write them directly to
the todo.txt... historically we use that, mostly...
it also have tracks as the
automatically mirrors the changes....
(the ci-cd does that automagically:)


Thanks for your continued support.


*From: *mc36 <>
*Date: *Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 10:11 PM
*To: *Natrajan Venkataraman <>, Kaliraj Vairavakkalai
<>, Reshma Das <>
*Cc: * <>
*Subject: *Re: Plugfest: BGP CT Interop - Remote participation Hackathon -
IETF 115

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

thank you for the video and the effort you put into it! it's a great demo! :)

On 11/8/22 22:40, Natrajan Venkataraman wrote:
Hi CS,

I thank you again for the code. I am sharing the video and configs with you



Video Link: (Linked-in post);!!NEt6yMaO-gk!F2k4XTTqoopvoGB_PF5iapOyBMF1G-dr6iTJ_YPTrjdkCXbwe09Tw81jMW_-A5vD8MQtkjzJ$


Bugs and findings in the next email.



*From: *mc36 <>
*Date: *Monday, November 7, 2022 at 12:07 AM
*To: *Kaliraj Vairavakkalai <>, Reshma Das
<>, Natrajan Venkataraman <>
*Cc: * <>
*Subject: *Re: Plugfest: BGP CT Interop - Remote participation Hackathon -
IETF 115

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

changing the cc-list....
okk, then i won't create a ppt then! :)
you're unbelivebeable that you did it alone without a single question!
i'm very excited about the video and the bugs you found! :)
please sentence a short mail with the findings! :)

On 11/7/22 08:54, Kaliraj Vairavakkalai wrote:

This interop was with FreeRtr BGP-CT stack. Your code.

We think there is some improvements that can be done, we will contact you
offline with the hurdles we encountered.

But overall, the interop was a success. Nats and Reshma became FreeRtr
experts, because of this effort.

We will share the topology and configs of all junos, freertr nodes with you.
So you can continue with the colored-resolution work, when you get cycles.

Pls stay tuned for the demo video. We re thrilled! Had a lot of fun
making it work.

Thanks for all your support, for implementing BGP-CT in FreeRtr.


*From: *mc36 <>
*Date: *Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 11:16 PM
*To: *Reshma Das <>, Kaliraj Vairavakkalai
<>, Natrajan Venkataraman <>
*Cc: * <>,
<>, Charles Eckel (eckelcu) <>
*Subject: *Re: Plugfest: BGP CT Interop - Remote participation Hackathon -
IETF 115

[External Email. Be cautious of content]

congrats for the results... finally you managed to bring up the
bgp-ct stack your own,
or you found a 3rd vendor having the bgp-ct stack?
if the latter, then should i also make a small ppt with the

On 11/6/22 18:01, Reshma Das wrote:
Hi Charles,

Thanks for all assistance provided.

It is my great pleasure to let you know we had a successful hackathon.

We were able to work with another vendor with BGP CT implementation and

successfully Interop.

Special thanks to hackathon for providing us with the space to do this.

We wanted to publish the results of this hackathon formally and we seek your
assistance for it.

To show the Interop we have a demo video.

Please let us know if there is any format that needs to be followed.

We will be sending the video to you shortly.

Thanks & Regards,

Reshma Das

Juniper Business Use Only

*From:* Charles Eckel (eckelcu) <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 1, 2022 7:26 AM
*To:* Reshma Das <>
*Cc:* Kaliraj Vairavakkalai <>; ;
; Natrajan Venkataraman <>; mc36 <>
*Subject:* Re: Plugfest: BGP CT Interop - Remote participation Hackathon -
IETF 115

*[External Email. Be cautious of content]*

On Oct 31, 2022, at 5:24 PM, Reshma Das <
< < <
<>>>>> wrote:

Hi Charles,

We have updated the Team


I was not sure how to reserve a table inGather

now I have just mentioned a table name.

Please let me know the steps to reserve a
table ahead of time.

Good question. I do not have a great answer. The info you have added to the
Team Schedule serves somewhat as a reservation. You can also add info on
whiteboard or notepad at the
table. I did this as an example for the project you have at Table C. What
seems to have worked well in the past is to have one of more people from the
team sitting at the table.
Teams looking for a table choose a different table that is still empty. So
far, we have always had enough tables for any teams that wanted one, and I
believe we can create more
tables if we run out.



Thanks & Regards,

Reshma Das

Juniper Business Use Only

*From:*Charles Eckel (eckelcu) <
< < <
*Sent:*Friday, October 28, 2022 11:13 AM
*To:*Kaliraj Vairavakkalai <
< < <
*Cc:* <
< <
< <
< <>>>>;
Natrajan Venkataraman
< < < <>>>>>; Reshma Das < < < <
<>>>>>; mc36
< <
< < <>>>>>
*Subject:*Re: Plugfest: BGP CT Interop -
Remote participation Hackathon - IETF 115

*[External Email. Be cautious of content]*

Hi Kaliraj,

That sounds like a great project for the
Hackathon. If you have not done so already, please be sure to register for
the Hackathon and then add your project to the wiki.;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!GpEXh4G6LrgvmX_6gxEIABha88qteba471UjZYmdj73x_hIthgQNlNmBuHtLnMIJFb3eSjKz$


If all the champions are going to be remote,
it would be a good idea to call that out in the project info. You can provide
information about how and when you plan to meet in
the Team Schedule,;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!GpEXh4G6LrgvmX_6gxEIABha88qteba471UjZYmdj73x_hIthgQNlNmBuHtLnMIJFR09qgCf$




On Oct 28, 2022, at 12:22 AM, Kaliraj
Vairavakkalai < < <
< <>>>>> wrote:


We would like
to request for an online/remote hackathon slot for the following project:

BGP CT interop*

* Champion(s)

o Kaliraj Vairavakkalai. ( <
< <

o Natarajan Venkataraman. ( <
< < <>>>>)

o Reshma Das. ( <
< <

o Csaba Mates. ( < < <

* Project info

o Anyone with a BGP-CT implementation, come
and let s test our interoperability
<;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!Ccx9euHvZL37EgaYtZKXnqRD7d2eljZDtZq_RqlU6RhdkutrzxO0xF2voo3x9_V-pZ729gXibVAS5nI$ <;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!Ccx9euHvZL37EgaYtZKXnqRD7d2eljZDtZq_RqlU6RhdkutrzxO0xF2voo3x9_V-pZ729gXibVAS5nI$




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