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rare-dev - Re: [rare-dev] BSP 9.9.0 Updates

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Re: [rare-dev] BSP 9.9.0 Updates

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Alexander Gall <>
  • To: Gawen Davey <>
  • Cc: Frédéric LOUI <>, mc36 <>, "" <>, "Alexander Jeffries" <>
  • Subject: Re: [rare-dev] BSP 9.9.0 Updates
  • Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 10:43:57 +0200

Hi Gawen

FYI, I have updated our packages to use apsn-bsp-9.9.0-ae89bee. I only
checked whether everything builds and starts up ok, and it does. No
further testing done so far.


On Wed, 13 Jul 2022 10:48:20 +0000, Gawen Davey
<> said:

> Hi Alex,
> Yes, the limit is too low. In a subsequent build I have set it to 75, which
> matches at least what IPMI thinks the warning threshold should be.
> If this is still a problem I can investigate rate limiting messages, but I
> would need to check with either ODM or Intel whether or not this is
> safe (depending on the sensor).

> With regards to the "service ticket", I was attaching the latest builds as
> attachments to a ticket in our support portal, a ticket that you
> have been added as a participant for. I made a "reply to customer" to
> notify you after I added you as a participant, and that has either not
> worked, or, (after looking at my very terse reply) it was not communicated
> well. In any case, the URL for the ticket is

> I have since added the latest BSP build to the ticket, however, further
> updates will be slow to come as our lab is currently moving country.

> In any case, other than the sensor threshold, the CPU ports should be
> working again (if they weren't before), and some further unit and/or
> integration tests have been added. If I remember correctly I was last
> working on integration tests for packet transmission via the CPU ports,
> but am still playing a bit of catch as I was off from late last week with
> covid, and may not have gotten a chance to make a final push to Git.

> P.S. We keep the BSP code on Github; while we have limited seats available,
> since you have all been incredibly helpful, I was wondering whether
> or not some of you would find it useful to have access to it?

> Gawen
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Alexander Gall <>
> Sent: 13 July 2022 11:18
> To: Gawen Davey <>
> Cc: Frédéric LOUI <>; mc36 <>;
> <>; Alexander Jeffries
> <>
> Subject: Re: BSP 9.9.0 Updates

> Hi Gawen

> I have integrated the BSP into our RARE release packaging for testing.
> This is for version apsn-bsp-9.9.0-1629ccd. I now have access to the
> APS portal but it's unclear to me where I should look for newer
> tarballs. You say you "attach it to the service ticket", but I don't
> know what exactly that means.

> Anyway, the BSP is working with the tweaks you suggested (the efuse
> patch and disabling Thrift). There was one issue I ran into on the
> system that I have access to for testing wrt the temperature sensors:

> Temp_L0 | 60.000 | degrees C | ok | 0.000 | 3.000
> | 5.000 | 75.000 | 80.000 | 85.000
> Temp_L1 | 48.000 | degrees C | ok | 0.000 | 3.000
> | 5.000 | 75.000 | 80.000 | 85.000
> Temp_L2 | 51.000 | degrees C | ok | 0.000 | 3.000
> | 5.000 | 75.000 | 80.000 | 85.000
> Temp_L3 | 35.000 | degrees C | ok | 0.000 | 3.000
> | 5.000 | 75.000 | 80.000 | 85.000
> Temp_CPUB | 53.000 | degrees C | ok | 0.000 | 3.000
> | 5.000 | 75.000 | 80.000 | 85.000
> Temp_L4 | 49.000 | degrees C | ok | 0.000 | 5.000
> | 10.000 | 80.000 | 83.000 | 85.000
> Temp_MAC | 72.000 | degrees C | ok | 10.000 | 20.000
> | 30.000 | 100.000 | 105.000 | 110.000

> The BSP uses a warning threshold of 60 and Temp_MAC exceeds that. This
> causes a massive flood of log messages. I've applied a patch that
> raises the threshold to 80 for now. Two questions:

> 1) Is the threshold of 60 really appropriate?
> 2) Can you consider a rate-limit for the warning messages?

> Regards,
> Alex

> On Fri, 24 Jun 2022 15:01:50 +0000, Gawen Davey
> <> said:

>> Not yet. Haven't had the time to look at the 6064x. It is on my very long
>> list of things to do.
>> The BSP should support the SAL. You won't get link states, but you will be
>> able to add ports.

>> Make sure you install ipmitool. Otherwise the BSP will keep spawning
>> processes which don't appear to be get reaped... I'll fix that later

>> The tarball has been added to the ticket.

>> Can you let me know if the LEDs work?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> From: Frédéric LOUI <>
>> Sent: 24 June 2022 15:58
>> To: Gawen Davey <>
>> Cc: mc36 <>; <>;
>> Alexander Jeffries <>;
>> <>
>> Subject: Re: BSP 9.9.0 Updates

>> Congratulation Gawen !

>> Couple of questions:

>> - is this BSP 9.9.0 tarball also works with BF6064X ?
>> - is the Gearbox ports are usable ?
>> - if the second point is "yes" this means we will still uses SAL

>> Again, great work,

>> All the best
>> Frederic

>>> Le 24 juin 2022 à 16:44, Gawen Davey <> a
>>> écrit :
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> Here's a quick update:
>>> • Csaba has an apparently working BSP, so this is good news. If any of
>>> you need it let me know and I can prepare a tarball. (Csaba
>> doesn't have this as I added him to the repo directly)
>>> • Intel have committed to fix the issue I identified and supplied a patch
>>> for. This should be in the 9.9.1 release which is expected
>> to be released on the 3rd of August
>>> • Currently working on the Thrift bindings. Not quite sure how long this
>>> will take, it looks a bit complicated...
>>> Gawen

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