Subject: Rare project developers
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Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter
Chronological Thread
- From: Cristina Klippel Dominicini <>
- To: Magnos Martinello <>, Frédéric LOUI <>, "" <>
- Cc: "" <>, Rafael Silva Guimarães <>, "Moises R. N. Ribeiro" <>
- Subject: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter
- Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2021 14:08:47 +0000
- Accept-language: pt-BR, en-US
Hi all,
The VC meeting is not opening here... did the timezone change? The invitation was for 4PM CEST, which is 11AM in Brazil.
De: <> em nome de Cristina Klippel Dominicini <>
Enviado: terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2021 10:55
Para: Magnos Martinello; Frédéric LOUI
Cc: ; ; Rafael Silva Guimarães; Moises R. N. Ribeiro
Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter
Enviado: terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2021 10:55
Para: Magnos Martinello; Frédéric LOUI
Cc: ; ; Rafael Silva Guimarães; Moises R. N. Ribeiro
Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter
That is great, Frederic! :-D
Rafael, Moises and I will join the meeting.
Best regards,
De: Magnos Martinello <>
Enviado: segunda-feira, 1 de novembro de 2021 19:05
Para: Frédéric LOUI
Cc: Cristina Klippel Dominicini; ; ; Rafael Silva Guimarães; Moises R. N. Ribeiro
Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter
Enviado: segunda-feira, 1 de novembro de 2021 19:05
Para: Frédéric LOUI
Cc: Cristina Klippel Dominicini; ; ; Rafael Silva Guimarães; Moises R. N. Ribeiro
Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter
We are very happy with the PolKA integration in the free router.
Tomorrow I cannot join the meeting tomorrow at 11 AM, but maybe the others will attend the meeting . I am out of Vitoria so if you may record the call, that will be great.
On Mon, 1 Nov 2021 at 18:58, Frédéric LOUI <> wrote:
> @Frederic, is tomorrow freeRouter's meeting confirmed?
Of course ! IIRC, we have planned to have Csaba doing a RARE/freeRtr Polka demo …
So I strongly advise the UFES gang :) ton join us !
> Le 1 nov. 2021 à 22:30, Cristina Klippel Dominicini <> a écrit :
> Hi Csaba,
> Thank you very much for your support. We are very happy with the fast progress of the PolKA integration into freeRouter. We are now trying to test and exploring your modifications in the freeRouter code to understand how to contribute.
> @Frederic, is tomorrow freeRouter's meeting confirmed? I think it would be a good opportunity to wrap up our current status and next steps.
> Regarding the nodeIDs, in the Chinese Remainder Theorem, it is sufficient if the nodeID polynomials are pairwise relatively prime (Section 17.4 of For simplicity purposes, we use irreducible polynomials to assure this condition for any case (similar to prime numbers in the integer arithmetic). Please, find attached an example table of irreducible polynomials. I refactored the code and have just submitted a new commit in the shared repository to include the computation of nodeID polynomials with some examples (a random test and also a test using the values from the ONDM paper). I added a simple code that tests all the bit possibilities to generate a list of n irreducible polynomials of a specific degree (for real scenarios, I believe the best approach is to lookup a precomputed list of nodeids). Please let me know if this code helps. We still have to produce more mature control plane functionalities that explore these basic functions.
> Regarding the design choices, the discussions with you, Frederic and Jordi, were very helpful to tune our arguments about the potential benefits of PolKA:
> - Tables: In the paper, one argument was that PolKA reduces the number of states by not relying on tables. However, I agree with you that the use of an almost static table to map the index of the next hops does not discredit the original argument. Thus, your suggestion to use BGP/IGP for node discovery and reuse the Segment Routing identifiers seems to be a very good solution. We still reduce the management burden of maintaining routing tables when compared with traditional approaches.
> - Header rewrite: In the paper, one argument was that PolKA does not need to rewrite the routeid in the packet in each hop. However, I agree with you that we need to rewrite at least a TTL field and ethernet address to prevent loops and allow PolKA packets to traverse bridged networks, respectively. Thus, I think we shouldn't focus on this argument.
> - Fixed header size: In the paper, we briefly show that PolKA's pipeline is simpler to implement when compared to a list based approach, because it does not need to operate over variable headers. As you said, this can be a strong benefit considering the current hardware limitations in the maximum number of hops for var header operations, as used in segment routing.
> From your previous email:
>>> some more progess here, as you're carrying ethertype within polka header, i added some mpls over polka test cases... so one can tunnel mpls vpns (both layer2 and layer3) through a polka domain...
> Nice! We used the Ethernet header as a Proof of Concept, but we could encapsulate the PolKA header in other protocols if you think it is more adequate.
> Best Regards,
> Cristina
> ________________________________________
> De: mc36 <>
> Enviado: sábado, 30 de outubro de 2021 06:24
> Para: ; Frédéric LOUI
> Cc: Cristina Klippel Dominicini; Rafael Silva Guimarães; Moises R. N. Ribeiro; Magnos Martinello
> Assunto: Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter
>> So basically Polka should be live and kicking in P4 LAB using RARE/freeRtr ?
>> PS: Please let me know if you need P4 dataplane and to be upgraded.
> so yeahhh, the freerouter upgrade does not carry (at the moment:) the tofino.bin....
> so well the lab need a fresh bfrouter and bfforwarder... also, some features needed
> to be taken out here because we ran out of stages... at my case it was multicast,
> as it's a core (P) router here so no need for raw ip multicast, bier is enough 4 me...
> attaching the constants table used to configure my stordis...
> regards,
> cs
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> <poly.pdf>
Magnos Martinello
Magnos Martinello
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- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Cristina Klippel Dominicini, 11/01/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Frédéric LOUI, 11/01/2021
- Message not available
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Cristina Klippel Dominicini, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Cristina Klippel Dominicini, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, mc36, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Cristina Klippel Dominicini, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, mc36, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, mc36, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Frédéric LOUI, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Cristina Klippel Dominicini, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, mc36, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Cristina Klippel Dominicini, 11/04/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Frédéric LOUI, 11/04/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Frédéric LOUI, 11/04/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Cristina Klippel Dominicini, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, mc36, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Cristina Klippel Dominicini, 11/02/2021
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Cristina Klippel Dominicini, 11/02/2021
- Message not available
- Re: [rare-dev] polka is approaching rare... was: Re: custom crc32 library in freerouter, Frédéric LOUI, 11/01/2021
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