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Subject: An open discussion list for topics related to the eduGAIN interfederation service.
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- From: Azamat Soltobaev <asoltobaev AT>
- To: edugain-discuss AT
- Subject: [eduGAIN-discuss] sos check eduroam status
- Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 21:04:34 +0600
Hello everyone, Let me introduce myself, my name is Azamat, from KRENA, junior IT speciaist (Kyrgyzstan NREN), I would like to know, why our status in this page is N/A,
How can we check our status, and configure normally for standart our Eduraom servers FLR's...?
Sorry for my bad English...
When we check our accounts in the, unhappily we have get failure
I hope, you'll help me.
Thank you to all.

С уважением,
Солтобаев Азамат Муканбетович
Моб.тел.: +996(700)-22-44-02;
Skype: crash_kg
Web-sites, softs and *Unix servers
Веб-сайты, программы и установка серверов(*unix);
My best regarts,
Soltobaev Azamat Mukanbetovich
- [eduGAIN-discuss] sos check eduroam status, Azamat Soltobaev, 03/21/2023
- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] sos check eduroam status, Peter Brand, 21-Mar-2023
- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] sos check eduroam status, Dubravko Penezic, 21-Mar-2023
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