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- From: Terry Smith <t.smith AT>
- To: edugain-discuss AT, edugain-sg AT
- Subject: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Bangladesh / TIGERfed
- Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 16:05:15 +1000
Hi all,
I have reviewed the TIGERFed federation policy and MRPD documents and have provided the following suggestions for improvement.
I hope that others in the eduGAIN community will help our friends in Bangladesh join eduGAIN by also reviewing and providing feedback on their documents allowing them to complete the joining process.
Review of TIGERFed policy documents.
Federation Policy; follows the REFEDs Federation best Practice policy template. I have identified the following areas where minor improvements could be made.
Section 3. Governance and Roles - Remove 'Example wording:' from the text.
Section 3.3 Obligations and Rights of Federation Members
> Must pay the fees. Prices and payment terms are
specified in appendix Fees.
Is there a fee to participate in TigerFed, if not this line could be removed, otherwise the fee schedule needs to be provided somewhere.
Section 4 Eligibility.
Consider adding to the "criteria that defines the Home Organization are:" a catch all statement such as;
Any other entity approved by the Board from time to time.
Metadata Registration Practice Statement; follows the REFEDs Metadata Registration Practice Statement template closely. Some suggested minor improvements follow;
Licence; current template uses Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 (See version in GitHub)
2. Introduction and Applicability; The URL to the document should be the full URL to the document and not to the page it is on. e.g. " 29122020.docx". This full document URL will then be published in the metadata of entities.
3. Member Eligibility and Ownership. paragraph 3. Are then any examples of official databases that are checked. This should be listed. E.g is there an official Bangladesh organisation registry, or higher education providers registry?
4. Metadata Format; Example xml snippet.
The Registration Policy should reference the MDRP document, not the Federation Rules; It should be " 29122020.docx".
Note: Probable better to publish this as a .pdf document rather than the .docx document.
5.1 Entity Registration; URL does not resolve.
The link to the joining procedure results in a "Not Found" error.
Federation Metadata validator
eduGAINs metadata validator tool is showing some errors and warnings for the proposed published metadata. I will communicate directly with TigerFed to assist in getting these issues resolved.
Terry Smith | Head of Support | Australian Access Federation Ltd![]()
Web: | Support: | Twitter:
Mail: Level 21 179 Turbot Street | Brisbane QLD 4000 | Australia
- [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Bangladesh / TIGERfed, Terry Smith, 11-Feb-2021
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Bangladesh / TIGERfed, Terry Smith, 02/26/2021
- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of Bangladesh / TIGERfed, CEO, BdREN, 26-Feb-2021
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