edugain-discuss AT
Subject: An open discussion list for topics related to the eduGAIN interfederation service.
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- From: Terry Smith <t.smith AT>
- To: 陈江宁 <cjn AT>
- Cc: Pascal Panneels <pascal.panneels AT>, Rhys Smith <Rhys.Smith AT>, edugain-discuss AT, edugain-sg AT, xuzhijian AT, zyhua AT
- Subject: Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CSTCloud Federation
- Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 12:00:32 +1000
Dear Terry, Pascal and Rhys,
We had modified some relevant contents base on the previous suggestions on the document of "Identity Federation Policy", and added three more documents about Federation Management Standard, Data Protection, and Fee Policy on website
Please help to review and we welcome your comments and suggestions on them!
Thanks for your support!
发件人:"Pascal Panneels" <pascal.panneels AT>
发送时间:2019-10-24 21:11:54 (星期四)
收件人: edugain-discuss AT, cjn AT, edugain-sg AT, xuzhijian AT, zyhua AT
主题: Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CSTCloud Federation
My remarks concerning policy document at :
- in 1. definition, maybe add a line for explaining what CNIC is (as it is mentioned further in the document);
- in 2. Introduction, first line is the definition of federation as stated in definitions list ==> should be removed;
- in 3.3, first §, 6th bullet, there is a mention to "Data Protection Profile" that is nowhere explained in the document;
- in 4., it is mentioned that "criteria is described in the CNIC website"... where exactly ? maybe providing an URL to the document is needed here;
- in 6.1, §2, it is not clear to me how described procedure works because on one side there is the federation operator that is aware of a breach and that detect the not rectified problem, but it is CNIC that issue a revocation... how is CNIC aware of the problem ?
This is my 2 cents contribution to the first document; I'll review the second one tomorrow.
With best regards,
Le 18/10/19 à 02:35, Terry Smith a écrit :
As eduGAIN Chair, I present to you the application of:
- People's Republic of China (PRC) / CSTCloud Federation
who has Signed the eduGAIN Declaration, has a policy based on the federation template, is self-declaring their federation as a production service and is wanting to join the global R&E federated environment.
You can find more detailed information about the federation under "eduGAIN Candidates” at:
which contains links to their policy and MRPS.
This application is from an organisation that is closely aligned with both the APAN, TEIN and GÉANT communities, is supporting the institutions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences via CSTNet and is also the .cn Roaming Operator for eduroam.
I had the pleasure of meeting Jiangning Chen at APAN48 in Malaysia earlier this year and that meeting reignited the push by CSTNet to connect their federation to eduGAIN.
I ask the following federations to specifically review the submission by People's Republic of China (PRC) / CSTCloud Federation:
- Austria/ACOnet Id Federation
- Belarus/FEBAS
- Bulgaria/BIF
- Belgium/Belnet Federation
- Brazil/CAFe
All eduGAIN members can (and should) provide feedback on this but to share the burden of review around, these five (5) federations have a specific responsibility. Eagle eyed readers might notice that the Australia/AAF entry isn't included in this list (and was next in the queue for assessment duties) but as discussed previously I'm opt-ed out of the review process as Chair of the SG.
If you have any questions please contact the CSTCloud Federation team (Yihua Zheng, Zhijian Xu and Jiangning Chen) who are subscribed to this mailing list.
Formal components of the membership process will be via the eduGAIN Steering Group mailing list.
Terry Smith | Technical Engagement and Support Manager | Australian Access Federation LtdWeb: | Support: | Twitter: Level 21 179 Turbot Street | Brisbane QLD 4000 | Australia
Pascal Panneels
Application Manager
Belnet - Services
Simon Bolivarlaan 30 Boulevard Simon Bolivar
Brussel 1000 Bruxelles
België - Belgique
T: +32 2 790 33 33
- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CSTCloud Federation, 陈江宁, 02-Mar-2020
- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CSTCloud Federation, Terry Smith, 03/04/2020
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