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edugain-discuss - Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CSTCloud Federation

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Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CSTCloud Federation

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Rhys Smith <Rhys.Smith AT>
  • To: Terry Smith <t.smith AT>
  • Cc: "edugain-sg AT" <edugain-sg AT>, "edugain-discuss AT" <edugain-discuss AT>, "cjn AT" <cjn AT>, "xuzhijian AT" <xuzhijian AT>, "zyhua AT" <zyhua AT>
  • Subject: Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] Assessment of China / CSTCloud Federation
  • Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 15:21:23 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-GB, en-US

I’ve had a quick flick through and have no other comments beyond what’s
already been brought up. Generally looking good!


> On 18 Oct 2019, at 01:35, Terry Smith <t.smith AT> wrote:
> All,
> As eduGAIN Chair, I present to you the application of:
> • People's Republic of China (PRC) / CSTCloud Federation
> who has Signed the eduGAIN Declaration, has a policy based on the
> federation template, is self-declaring their federation as a production
> service and is wanting to join the global R&E federated environment.
> You can find more detailed information about the federation under "eduGAIN
> Candidates” at:
> which contains links to their policy and MRPS.
> This application is from an organisation that is closely aligned with both
> the APAN, TEIN and GÉANT communities, is supporting the institutions of the
> Chinese Academy of Sciences via CSTNet and is also the .cn Roaming Operator
> for eduroam.
> I had the pleasure of meeting Jiangning Chen at APAN48 in Malaysia earlier
> this year and that meeting reignited the push by CSTNet to connect their
> federation to eduGAIN.
> I ask the following federations to specifically review the submission by
> People's Republic of China (PRC) / CSTCloud Federation:
> • Austria/ACOnet Id Federation
> • Belarus/FEBAS
> • Bulgaria/BIF
> • Belgium/Belnet Federation
> • Brazil/CAFe
> All eduGAIN members can (and should) provide feedback on this but to share
> the burden of review around, these five (5) federations have a specific
> responsibility. Eagle eyed readers might notice that the Australia/AAF
> entry isn't included in this list (and was next in the queue for assessment
> duties) but as discussed previously I'm opt-ed out of the review process as
> Chair of the SG.
> If you have any questions please contact the CSTCloud Federation team
> (Yihua Zheng, Zhijian Xu and Jiangning Chen) who are subscribed to this
> mailing list.
> Formal components of the membership process will be via the eduGAIN
> Steering Group mailing list.
> Thanks,
> Terry.
> Terry Smith | Technical Engagement and Support Manager | Australian Access
> Federation Ltd
> Mob: 0414 692 424 | Email t.smith AT | ORCID:
> Web: | Support: | Twitter:
> Mail: Level 21 179 Turbot Street | Brisbane QLD 4000 | Australia

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