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Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] [enabling-users] RENATER moving to eduGAIN opt-out for IdPs
Chronological Thread
- From: Lalla Maria Laura Mantovani <marialaura.mantovani AT>
- To: Olivier Salaün <olivier.salaun AT>, enabling-users AT
- Cc: edugain-discuss AT
- Subject: Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] [enabling-users] RENATER moving to eduGAIN opt-out for IdPs
- Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:13:27 +0100
- List-archive: <>
- List-id: eduGAIN discussion list <>
- Unimore-x-sa-score: -2.9
Hi Olivier and all,
I realized now that I'm not subscribed to edugain-discuss AT so I couldn't see if there has been posted any reply.
We discussed inside IDEM about your workflow and we also are in favour to change our policy in the following points:
- Move to eduGAIN opt-out for our IdPs only;
- opt-in would still apply to Italian SPs willing to join eduGAIN.
- By default, all Italian IdP metadata would be published in eduGAIN upstream metadata.
- Our federation registry will let IdP admins perform eduGAIN opt-out if they wish.
I would like to know if there were comments about the following two points:
- We would also include eduGAIN SPs metadata into our federation metadata file (renater-metadata.xml).
- We already publish attribute filters for Shibboleth IdPs; a new attribute-filter file would include all eduGAIN SPs (or the ones that are CoC compliant).
At 16:26 18/02/2014, Olivier Salaün wrote:
Hi all,Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:36:48 +0100
Discussions during the last TF-EMC2 OpenSpace in Zurich made me realize RENATER's articulation with eduGAIN needed to be changed and I hope to get some feedback from this group regarding this change.
Until now French IdPs and SPs had to opt-in to get their metadata included to eduGAIN metadata. We know this workflow does not scale because our IdP admins are not familiar with eduGAIN SPs use cases and it would take us a huge effort to convince IdP admins to opt-in for eduGAIN.
We now consider to change our workflow.
- The plan is to move to eduGAIN opt-out for our IdPs only;
- opt-in would still apply to French SPs willing to join eduGAIN.
- By default, all French IdP metadata would be published in eduGAIN upstream metadata.
- We would also include eduGAIN SPs metadata into our federation metadata file (renater-metadata.xml).
- Our federation registry will let IdP admins perform eduGAIN opt-out if they wish.
- We already publish attribute filters for Shibboleth IdPs; a new attribute-filter file would include all eduGAIN SPs (or the ones that are CoC compliant).
We foresee this change will increase interest in eduGAIN as an AAI infrastructure and will limit support to eduGAIN SPs for RENATER.
ON the other end:
- the attribute release issues remains until IdPs use the attribute filters we will provide
- we end up mixing national and international SPs in our national metadata file.
I look forward to get your feedback :)
Olivier Salaün
Etudes et Projets Applicatifs (EPA)
Tél : +33 2 23 23 71 27
From: Lukas Hämmerle <lukas.haemmerle AT>
Organization: SWITCH
To: enabling-users AT,
Olivier Salaün
<olivier.salaun AT>
Hi Olivier
> I look forward to get your feedback :)
I recommend you to send this email to edugain-discuss AT as the
enabling users group is relatively small and you certainly will get a
broader and better feedback on that list.
Will provide some comments there (generally, I'm in favour of this
Best Regards
- Re: [eduGAIN-discuss] [enabling-users] RENATER moving to eduGAIN opt-out for IdPs, Lalla Maria Laura Mantovani, 03/17/2014
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