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cat-users - Re: [[cat-users]] Admin für eduroam Uni Mannheim

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Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: Tomasz Wolniewicz <twoln AT>
  • To: Holger Meyer <holger.meyer AT>, "cat-users AT" <cat-users AT>
  • Cc: Joachim Nerz <joachim.nerz AT>, Gerd Rohde <gerd.rohde AT>, Christopher Clemens <clemens AT>, Ralf Paffrath <paffrath AT>, Marco Fasheh <fasheh AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] Admin für eduroam Uni Mannheim
  • Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 12:26:00 +0100


  I have checked the database, I see three administrators for the University o Mannheim. One is the DFN national level administrator who needs access to be able to support the institutions and there are two more. I can only tell which addresses the invitations have been sent to and they appear to be Mr. Nerz and Mr. Rohde. I have even checked older copies if the database and confirmed that there were no invitations sent to your address.

If Mr Nerz and Mr Rohde cannot access CAT as administrators then this indeed can be caused by the change in your IdP. At the moment access to CAT is based on the value of eduPersonTargettedId attribute, if your IdP is no longer sending that then the only way to regain access is to request DFN to issue new invitations.


Tomasz Wolniewicz

W dniu 16.01.2025 o 13:11, Holger Meyer pisze:
Hallo CAT-Eduroam Team,

ich muss die alte Mail noch mal aufgreifen, wir haben keinen Admin-Zugang
mehr zu um unser Profil anzupassen.

Können Sie uns behilflich sein, so dass wir wieder Zugang bekommen? Brauchen
wir eduGain oder Shibboleth Attribute,
oder warum werden unsere bisherigen Admins (mindesten Herr Nerz) nicht mehr
als Admin angezeigt, das hat 2021 noch funktioniert?
Shibboleth V4 läuft bei uns, vorher war es V3, ist das der Grund vielleicht?

Viele Grüße
Holger Meyer

Tomasz Wolniewicz

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