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Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)
List archive
- From: Wim Vermeersch <wim.vermeersch AT>
- To: Stefan Winter <stefan.winter AT>
- Cc: "cat-users AT" <cat-users AT>
- Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] Cat Tool registers: Organisation custom network
- Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 11:28:12 +0000
- Accept-language: nl-NL, en-US
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Hi Stefan
Coördinator Client Management
e-mail wim.vermeersch AT

On 12 Sep 2022, at 13:13, Stefan Winter <stefan.winter AT> wrote:
Kind RegardsHello,
this has been asked before in the list.
I assume you only have one single extra SSID? Then this looks rather superfluous indeed; but imagine you had more than one: we would install one single profile containing all SSIDs, but then the profile really shouldn't have the name of any one of the SSIDs - it's a container for "all the organisation's custom networks". This is where this came from.
A question out of curiosity - mainly because we thought this is a minor change not being noticed a lot:
This term only shows up during the installation process, right? I.e. on the click-through welcome screen and later when the installation log scrolls through?
More importantly: when the user clicks on the list of available networks, they still see the SSID, not this profile name. Is that correct?
Stefan Winter
On 12.09.22 12:48, Wim Vermeersch (via cat-users Mailing List) wrote:
B1498A11-B38F-4AD3-AB3B-00E81EA7300F AT"> Hi
When installing the Cat Tool for Windows Eduroam works fine but our organisation wifi SSID is replaced by “Organisation custom network”.Met vriendelijke groeten
We are registered under the KULEUVEN IDPWe have our own SSID registered under the option Media Properties for this profile.The SSID connects fine but is very confusing for users. This issue is only with Windows installations.
Coördinator Client Management
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-- This email may contain information for limited distribution only, please treat accordingly. Fondation Restena, Stefan WINTER Chief Technology Officer 2, avenue de l'Université L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
- [[cat-users]] Cat Tool registers: Organisation custom network, Wim Vermeersch, 09/12/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Cat Tool registers: Organisation custom network, Stefan Winter, 09/12/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Cat Tool registers: Organisation custom network, Wim Vermeersch, 09/12/2022
- [[cat-users]] Organisation custom network, Tomasz Wolniewicz, 09/15/2022
- Re: [[cat-users]] Cat Tool registers: Organisation custom network, Stefan Winter, 09/12/2022
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