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cat-users - Re: [[cat-users]] connexió wifi

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Subject: The mailing list for users of the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT)

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Re: [[cat-users]] connexió wifi

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Stefan Winter <stefan.winter AT>
  • To: cat-users AT, MIREIA FONTANET <mireia AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] connexió wifi
  • Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 10:43:50 +0100
  • Openpgp: id=AD3091F3AB24E05F4F722C03C0DE6A358A39DC66; url=


> Em dic Mireia Fontanet i sóc estudiant de doctorat a la UPC Barcelona.
> Em connecto amb el meu portàtil a la wifi de la UPC però em diuen que
> d'aquí a unes setmanes ja no ho podré fer.
> Em donen l'alternativa de la xarxa eduroam, el qual m'he baixat
> l'executable. Crec que se m'ha instal·lat bé, però al connectar-me diu
> que les credencials no són correctes. Quèhe de  fer?

Let's first make sure that Google Translate kept the original meaning of
what you wrote. I get:

"My name is Mireia Fontanet and I'm a PhD student at UPC Barcelona. I
connect with my laptop to the wifi of the UPC but they tell me that in a
few weeks I can not do it anymore.

They give me the alternative of the eduroam network, which I downloaded
the executable. I think it has installed me well, but connecting me says
the credentials are not correct. What do you do?"

This would sound like you used a non-eduroam Wi-Fi network of UPC
before, that one will become unavailable soon, and from then on you
would use eduroam? Is that correct?

If so, this also seems to say that the installation program you got
worked without error. What operating system runs on your laptop?

Finally, if the error message is that your credentials are not correct,
then the first point of contact is your IT helpdesk (i.e. the same
entity that told you you have to switch in the first place). They are
the only ones able to diagnose actual credential problems. Did you
already approach that IT helpesk? Their contact points are:

atic AT
tel: +34 934016213


Stefan Winter

> Atentament,
> --
> Mireia Fontanet
> Msc. Hidrogeóloga
> Decagon Devices Inc - UMS GbmH
> c/Ferran Catòlic, 3
> 25200 CERVERA (Lleida)
> Tel/Fax: 34 973 532110
> mireia AT
> <mailto:gema AT>
> <>
> <>
> <>
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