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cat-users - Re: [[cat-users]] Error: name "0" for IdP

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Re: [[cat-users]] Error: name "0" for IdP

Chronological Thread 
  • From: angel <amartinez AT>
  • To: Stefan Winter <stefan.winter AT>, cat-users AT
  • Subject: Re: [[cat-users]] Error: name "0" for IdP
  • Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2017 14:19:12 -0300

Hi Stefan,

I did not receive a reply on this matter. I hope you can answer soon.

Thank you and best regards.

On 03/05/17 17:40, angel wrote:

Hi Stefan.

Anything new on this?
Can we help with more info or testing?



On 27/04/17 10:26, angel wrote:

Hi Stefan,

Yes, I know there are two red buttons. I used the "Reset" button sometimes.
But in this case I’m sure that I hit the delete button, and I did the deletion twice thinking the same as you.

Just to be cautious, I tried again recently and I got the same result:

  1. Took control over "0".
  2. Enter in the "0" link, as administrator, on my profile list.
  3. I hit the "Delete IdP" button, and "Ok".
  4. Go to my profile page: "0" disappeared.
  5. I go to my federation view: there it is, the "0" again and linked to the database.
So, I think its time to delete it :)
I know that we could reuse that "0" profile. But this appears to be a bug so I do prefer to remove that suspiciously persistent  "0" IdP, if it is possible.

Thank you again for your answer.
Best regards,


On 27/04/17 06:29, Stefan Winter wrote:

I did as you said. First I took control over that old "0" IdP. It has no
name and no configurations at all. All fields empty.
So, that’s the explanation for the "0" name.
In my debug database copy, I see that, too.

I changed the name for "Error" in both Spanish and English. Tried to
delete it again, but I still can’t. It appears again as "0" and linked
to the database.
I did the same and the name becomes "Error" just fine. So, I'm sorry but
I can't reproduce this despite having the exact database copy and
server-side code.

So we ask you to delete that "0" IdP and free the database link, so we
can link the new IdP profile for the university.
The *inst_id *is *795*
Let me try a lucky shot: you do realise that after taking control of the
inst, there are *two* red buttons? One is "Delete IdP", the other "Reset
all IdP settings"?

I'm asking because the latter does exactly what you describe above: it
removes all attributes so that you can start from scratch. It maintains
the entry as such though, so the IdP inst_id remains and the ownership
of administrators also stays the same.

Only the "Delete IdP" button really purges the IdP everywhere (and then
you need to re-create it by inviting a new primary administrator).

Hate to ask it, but: are you really sure you hit the "Delete" button,
and not by accident the "Reset" one?

IFAICT, we didn't actually do the deletion by hand in the DB, so you
have another chance to do it via UI.


Stefan Winter

  • Re: [[cat-users]] Error: name "0" for IdP, angel, 06/06/2017

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